
The Role of Old Age in American Politics: Biden and Trump Secure Nominations


Inserted 2024.03.13 19:00 Modified 2024.03.13 19:00 Paper A12

Securing a majority of representatives for ‘candidate election’
Official nomination at the summer conference

Special prosecutor on ‘Biden leak of classified information’ attends hearing> Former special prosecutor Robert Huh (front), who investigated allegations that US President Joe Biden leaked classified national documents after his time as vice president, appeared before The United States House of Representatives on the 12th (local time) Appears as a witness at the hearing of the Committee on the Judiciary. On this day, former special prosecutor Heo explained that the reason he pointed out President Biden’s memory problems in the report on the results of the investigation was only to explain the background of the decision not to indict, and that there was no intention political. AP Yonhap News US President Joe Biden and former President Donald Trump were confirmed as presidential candidates, securing a majority of delegates in the Democratic and Republican presidential primaries, respectively. For the first time in US history, a former sitting president has officially announced a conflict, reigniting the ‘risk of old age’ in the political world.

President Biden won the Georgia Democratic Party primary on the 12th (local time) and secured the majority of delegates (1,968) needed to nominate him as a presidential candidate. President Biden got 1,866 delegates, starting with the New Hampshire primary on January 23 and ending with the Hawaii primary on the 6th of this month. On this day, he also won victories in Georgia (108 people), Mississippi (35 people), and Washington State (92 people), taking over 2,000 delegates, winning a majority before former President Trump. It was also confirmed that former President Trump, a candidate for the Republican presidential nomination, won the primary. Trump, who became the party’s only candidate following the resignation of former UN Ambassador Nikki Haley on the 5th, received the majority of delegates (1,215) needed to confirm his candidacy. Former President Trump, who secured 1,089 delegates just before the primary, also won Georgia (59), Hawaii (19), Mississippi (40), and Washington State (43), securing the delegates for an official nomination. Both candidates are expected to be officially nominated as their party’s presidential candidates at the national convention this summer.

In the political world, the risk of old age has emerged again for President Biden, who is 81 years old this year and is the oldest person in active service. On this day, the Republican Party called Robert Herr, a Korean-American who was a special prosecutor investigating the leak of classified White House documents, to a House Judiciary Committee hearing. This is to verify President Biden’s decision not to indict and the memory debate. At that time, former special prosecutor Heo said in a report on the results of the investigation into the alleged leak and illegal storage of President Biden’s secret documents that President Biden suffered from cognitive problems and decided not to indict him.

Former Special Prosecutor Heo said at the hearing, “My assessment of the President’s memory capacity was necessary, accurate, and fair,” and released the full transcript of President Biden’s five-hour interrogation last year. According to the transcript, when President Biden was asked where he kept classified documents, he repeated answers such as “I have no idea” and “I don’t remember,” and also confused the timeline of his son’s death. In an investigative report released on the 8th of last month after about a year of investigation, former special prosecutor Heo pointed out that President Biden is suspected of knowingly keeping secret documents on military and foreign policy after his term as vice president ended, but he judged. which was not a matter to be prosecuted.

Correspondent Kim Se-min

#Magic #number #achieved.. #presidential #candidates #Biden #Trump