
The Secret to Looking Decades Younger at Almost 60: Meet Edson Brandao

[사진 = 에드슨 브랜다오 SNS]

A Brazilian man who is almost 60 years old and looks like he is in his late 20s is a hot topic.

Recently, according to foreign media such as the British media The Sun, Edson Brandao (57), who receives attention for his extremely young appearance, attracts attention by suddenly revealing the secret to his youthful appearance. His profession is known as a digital marketing writer and businessman.

Brandao, who was born on February 26, 1967, said, “Not only on social media but also in real life, people mistake me for being 27 years old, which is 30 years younger than my actual age, specifically, I sometimes end up in embarrassing situations at the airport because they don’t trust the date of birth entered in my passport.”

He said he has been interested in health since he was 40. “A lot of people don’t believe me when I tell them my real age,” he said “People ask me if I’ve had plastic surgery or Botox , but I’ve never had any related surgery.” .

He emphasized that the secret for young youth is to follow a healthy diet, maintain a positive mindset, and practice regular exercise and skin care routines.

[사진 = 에드슨 브랜다오 SNS]

◆ Young Edson Brandao’s secret lifestyle habits

1. Water intake – “Drinking water regularly helps blood circulation, reduces waste and produces collagen.”

2. Nutrition – “To prevent skin aging and maintain energy, you should eat vegetables and fruit appropriately along with a low fat protein diet.”

3. Exercise – “Regular exercise not only maintains your body, but also prevents cell aging and is good for skin health.”

4. UV Protection – “Protecting your skin from harmful UV rays prevents premature aging and wrinkles.”

5. Enough sleep – “It is important to get at least 7 hours of good sleep a day to relieve fatigue and prevent memory decline.”

6. Skin care – “You must create and follow a care routine such as cleansing and moisturizing that suits your skin type (dry, oily, etc.).

7. Stress Management – “Use meditation or yoga to relieve stress and pursue general well-being.”

8. Social interaction – “Maintain positive interpersonal relationships and participate in activities that give you joy and a sense of accomplishment.”

9. Positive thinking – “You should live with as positive an attitude as possible and try to have a grateful heart in everything.”

10. Self-Development – “It is important to set goals and create a productive life constantly in order to change not only individuals but society as well.”

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