
The Top Deadly Cancers Among Men in Hong Kong: Incidence and Prevention

Are men more susceptible to prostate cancer? Cancer is the leading cause of death in Hong Kong. The Hospital Authority lists the 10 cancers with the highest incidence and mortality among men in Hong Kong. Among them, men over the age of 45 are more likely to suffer from 5 types of cancer, and prostate cancer is only in third place. Experts analyze the causes and symptoms of cancer and recommend 12 foods that prevent cancer.

Ranking of the 10 deadliest cancers among men in Hong Kong

Gastric cancer, lung cancer, nasopharyngeal cancer, prostate cancer and other cancers, which are most threatening to Hong Kong men? According to the latest 2021 data from the Cancer Statistics Center of the Hospital Authority, the top 10 cancer incidence rates among men in Hong Kong are ranked as follows.

Ranking of the top 10 male cancer incidence rates in Hong Kong in 2021 ⬇⬇⬇

Cancer incidence rate among men in Hong Kong in 2021:

  • No. 10: Non-melanoma skin cancers (545 cases, equal to 2.9% of the total)
  • Ninth place: Nasopharynx (558 cases, equal to 2.9% of the total)
  • Eighth place: Pancreas (582 cases, equal to 3.1% of the total)
  • No. 7: Kidneys and other urinary organs (excluding the bladder) (586 cases, equal to 3.1% of the total)
  • Sixth place: non-Hodgkin’s lymphoma (631 cases, equal to 3.3% of the total)
  • Fifth place: Stomach (762 cases, equal to 4.0% of the total)
  • Fourth place: Liver (1,343 cases, equal to 7.1% of the total)
  • Third place: Prostate (3,038 cases, equal to 16.0% of the total)
  • In second place: large intestine (3,427 cases, equal to 18.1% of the total)
  • First place: Lung (3,493 cases, equal to 18.4% of the total)

Ranking of the top 10 male cancer death rates in Hong Kong in 2021 ⬇⬇⬇

In addition to the 10 tumors with the highest incidence rate, the Hospital has also drawn up the 10 tumors with the highest mortality rate in men, classifying them as follows:

Cancer death rate for men in Hong Kong in 2021:

  • Tenth place: Nasopharynx (178 cases, equal to 2.0% of the total)
  • Ninth place: Leukemia (210 cases, equal to 2.4% of the total)
  • Eighth place: Esophagus (239 cases, equal to 2.7% of the total)
  • Seventh place: Non-Hodgkin’s lymphoma (242 cases, equal to 2.8% of the total)
  • Sixth place: Stomach (380 cases, equal to 4.3% of the total)
  • Fifth place: Pancreas (467 cases, equal to 5.3% of the total)
  • Fourth place: Prostate (518 cases, equal to 5.9% of the total)
  • Third place: Liver (1,041 cases, equal to 11.9% of the total)
  • In second place: large intestine (1,323 cases, equal to 15.1% of the total)
  • First place: Lung (2,622 cases, equal to 30.0% of the total)

5 parts of men over the age of 45 are prone to getting the infection

The Hospital Authority said that among men aged 45 to 64, incidence rates of five types of cancer were higher.

Top 5 Cancer Incidence Rates Among Men Aged 45-64 in Hong Kong in 2021 ⬇⬇⬇

Ranking of the top five cancer incidence rates among men aged 45-64 in Hong Kong

  • Fifth place: Nasopharynx (307 cases, equal to 5.2% of the total)
  • Fourth place: Liver (513 cases, equal to 8.7% of the total)
  • Third place: Prostate (631 cases, equal to 10.7% of the total)
  • Second place: Lung (1,040 cases, equal to 17.6% of the total)
  • In first place: large intestine (1,137 cases, equal to 19.3% of the total)

Is lung cancer diagnosed at an advanced stage? 6 main symptoms to watch out for

Lung cancer is the number one deadly cancer in men. According to the Cancer Resource Center, if lung cancer symptoms can be identified early, this will help increase the chances of recovery and reduce the difficulty of treatment:

Main symptoms of lung cancer:

  • Frequent feeling of tiredness, loss of appetite, weight loss, persistent cough, wheezing, blood in sputum, chest pain: dull or sudden, sharp pain in the chest when coughing or breathing deeply.
  • Once the patient’s cancer cells have spread, the following symptoms may occur: swelling of the lymph nodes in the neck, swelling of the neck, face and hands, abdominal distension, bone pain, headache, localized cerebral epilepsy or hemiplegia.

Prostate cancer ranks fourth in mortality rate, 9 symptoms are high risk

Although prostate cancer is the fourth deadliest cancer in men, its incidence rate ranks third among those aged 45 to 65. According to information from the Hospital, the first symptoms of prostate cancer are not evident, if one or more of the following symptoms appear it may mean that the tumor has grown or metastasized:

According to the Hospital Authority, there are no symptoms of prostate cancer in the early stages. If there are symptoms, they are usually difficulty urinating, inability to urinate for a long time, slow or irregular urination, blood in the urine, and pain in the lower back, pelvis, and thighs. However, if you experience pain in your pelvis, back and buttocks, this may indicate that the tumor has worsened and spread to other parts.

4 Types of People Over 50 Who Are Most Susceptible to Prostate Cancer Are at High Risk

The Department of Health has highlighted that the cause of prostate cancer is still unknown, but there are four types of people who are at a potentially higher risk of developing prostate cancer.

High risk factors for prostate cancer and methods of analysis ⬇⬇⬇

According to the Department of Health, the main cause of prostate cancer is still unknown, but there are some known factors that could increase the risk of prostate cancer, including age, which means patients are more likely to be men older adults and is less likely to occur in those younger than 50, in men who have had prostate cancer, or in those who have had prostate cancer in their family.

Nasopharyngeal cancer is one of the 10 deadliest cancers in men. 8 symptoms are difficult to detect in the early stages

The Hospital Authority pointed out that nasopharyngeal cancer is one of the ten most common cancers among men in Hong Kong and the most common head and neck cancer in Hong Kong. Because the location of the nasopharynx is very hidden, there may be no obvious symptoms in the early stages of cancer. If the tumor grows and spreads, the following signs may appear:

According to the Hospital Authority, common symptoms of nasopharyngeal cancer include: painless lumps in the neck, blood in the nose and throat secretions, hearing loss or partial deafness, tinnitus, frequently recurring otitis media and persistent nasal congestion.

Four main causes of nasopharyngeal cancer: Frequent consumption of sausages and processed meats is at high risk

According to the Department of Health, nasopharyngeal cancer is a cancer caused by the abnormal growth of cells in the nasopharynx. Most patients are male. Nasopharyngeal cancer is not caused only by smoking. The main causes include:

According to the Department of Health, the main causes of nasopharyngeal cancer include certain dietary habits or foods, such as eating large amounts of salted fish and smoked foods, viral infections, such as African lymphocytoma virus, smoking, and genetic factors.

Extended reading: Top 10 Cancer Prevention Nutritionists Recommend 12 Cancer-Fighting Foods


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