
The Transitional President of the Republic of Gabon embarks on a friendship and dealing go to to Mauritania

This Thursday night, Common Apres Cloutier Olighe Nguema, President of the Transitional Interval of the Republic of Gabon, arrived in Nouakchott firstly of a two-day friendship and dealing go to to Mauritania, with the purpose of strengthening bilateral relations and discussing methods of joint cooperation. .

After his arrival at Nouakchott Worldwide Airport, he was obtained by the President of Mauritania, Mohamed Ould Cheikh Ghazouani, rotating President of the African Union, along with Prime Minister Mohamed Ould Bilal Massoud, future Minister of the Workplace of the President of the Union. of the Republic, the Chiefs of Employees of the Armed Forces and the Safety Forces, the Chief of Particular Employees of the President of the Republic, and the Governor of Nouakchott. Gharbia, and Vice President of the Nouakchott area.

After singing the 2 nationwide anthems and reviewing the formations of the honoring ceremony, the Gabonese President shook fingers with the President of the Nationwide Meeting, the President of the Constitutional Council, the 2 minister-consultants of the Presidency of the Republic, members of the Affiliation. authorities, high-ranking figures within the nation, and members of the African diplomatic corps accredited to Mauritania.

This go to comes within the context of strengthening bilateral relations between Mauritania and Gabon, and is predicted to see intensive conferences between the 2 sides to debate problems with widespread curiosity and enhance cooperation in varied fields.