
The Troubled Marriage: Husband’s Verbal Abuse and Wife’s Control Issues

Verbal Abuse Takes Toll on Marriage: A Deep Dive into the Psychological Struggles of a Couple

By Jeon Jeon, Money Today Reporter | 2023.08.01 05:51

Last month, the distressing narrative of a husband enduring his wife’s relentless verbal abuse was unveiled on MBC’s ‘Oh Eun-young – Marriage Hell’. The program, hosted by renowned psychiatrist Dr. Oh Eun-young, shed light on the harrowing experiences of a married couple who have spent 7 tumultuous years together.

The couple, responsible for raising three children, found themselves entangled in an ongoing battle fueled by stark personality differences. The wife lamented, “Outside our home, my husband appears kind-hearted, but his attitude towards our family is apathetic. It feels as though he regards me with indifference throughout our six-year-long marriage.”

She added, “My husband fails to contribute to household chores and responsibilities, leaving me to manage everything. If I don’t meticulously supervise his tasks, chaos ensues. Despite my incessant communication, he remains disinterested in our domestic affairs.”

Conversely, the husband argued that his wife’s impatience exacerbated their conflicts. He admitted, “Whenever something goes awry, my wife resorts to incessant nagging. She continues for hours on end, leaving me feeling emotionally drained.”

He confessed, “The only way I can appease her anger is by subjecting myself to inconvenient situations. I am suffocating under the weight of her relentless complaints.”

The program also revealed that the husband resorted to self-harm following episodes of verbal abuse. He divulged, “It became unbearable. The persistent taunting pushed me to my limits. Hurtful words, such as ‘You never grew up right,’ ‘You have Asperger’s Syndrome,’ ‘You have ADHD,’ and ‘You’re incapable,’ were regularly hurled at me.”

Desperate for respite, he shared, “In my desperation, I even resorted to harming myself. I smashed a flowerpot against my head, pleading with my wife to stop. Despite my head bleeding, I couldn’t fathom giving up.”

He added, “I even resorted to hitting myself in the face and choking myself. My wife taunted me, challenging, ‘Hit me if you dare.’ My actions were a feeble attempt to reflect the pain I endured, but I realize it was a grave mistake.”

Responding to these allegations, the wife countered, “Admittedly, I struggle with impatience, but I have waited patiently for a long time. However, waiting indefinitely has only yielded more of the same. Even during the critical illness of our second child, requiring prolonged hospital visits, I endured my husband’s indifference.”

Dr. Oh Eun-young, the insightful psychiatrist, emphasized the importance of cultivating spontaneity, autonomy, and initiative within their relationship. Speaking directly to the wife, she advised, “You exhibit a strong need for control, driven by underlying anxiety and fear. It is essential to broaden the scope of control and delegate responsibilities, such as daily cleaning, to your husband, regardless of his proficiency.”

[Copyright @머니투데이, No reproduction or redistribution without permission]

Reporter Jeon Jeon, Money Today | 2023.08.01 05:51

/Photo = Report ‘Oh Eun-young MBC – Married Hell’ The story of a man suffering from his wife’s verbal abuse was broadcast.

On the MBC Report ‘Oh Eun-young – Marriage Hell’, broadcast on the 31st of last month, a couple who have been married for 7 years appeared and met with Dr. Oh Eun-young, a psychiatrist.

The two, who are raising three siblings, experienced conflict due to extreme personality differences. The woman complained, “My husband is kind outside, but he is indifferent to his family at home. It seems that he has not been treated as a human being during our six-year marriage.”

She also said, “My husband doesn’t work even if he makes me do things. If I don’t check them one by one, things get messy. I always talk to my husband, but he forgets. My husband is generally not interested.”

On the other hand, the husband said that his wife’s personality was too urgent, and he admitted, “If something goes wrong or if something goes wrong, my wife calls me. From then on, I will nestling for more than an hour.”

She said, “It’s so hard to listen to that story. I’m tired after going to work, but I still have work tomorrow, and I have to live my life again. The whining is lasts an hour, two hours and never ends. So, ‘Prick me with a knife’ I’ll say the same thing,” he admitted.

Then, he admitted, “I think you will be able to get rid of your anger only if I go through some inconvenience. I can’t breathe when I hear that sound.”

/Photo = ‘Report Oh Eun-young MBC – Marriage Hell’ The husband revealed that he even harmed himself after verbally abusing his wife. He said, “It’s too hard. (With words) I keep poking. ‘You haven’t grown up right’, ‘You have Asperger’s Syndrome’, ‘You have ADHD (Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder )’, ‘You have no answers’.” he admitted

“All I could think was that I had to do something to end this. I said I was sorry for breaking my head and hit the flower pot on my head. I knelt down and begged my wife to stop. My head was bleeding, but I thought I wasn’t going anywhere.” appeal.

He said, “I (myself) hit on the face. I also choked myself. My wife pushed me too hard, saying, ‘Hit me? Hit me,’ but I shouldn’t hit me, so I hit me.”

In response, the woman retorted, “I know I’m impatient, but I think I’ve waited a long time. Even if I waited that long, nothing would change. Until age when my second child was sick and going to hospital for a long time. time, I put up with it even though I knew my husband wasn’t interested.”


Aoler told her husband, “I think we need to develop spontaneity, autonomy and initiative.

As for the wife, “I have strong control. Underneath is anxiety and fear. You need to expand the scope of control. For example, daily cleaning only needs to be done on designated days and left to the husband. “whether he’s good at housework or not.” “he said.

[저작권자 @머니투데이, 무단전재 및 재배포 금지]

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