
The United Nations calls for a “strong and united voice” on North Korea’s missile provocation

Guterres urges North Korea to return to EU negotiating table: North Korea must stop provocations and resume dialogue

The UN Security Council discusses ‘North Korea’s intermediate-range ballistic missile launch’ last month

[뉴욕 로이터 연합뉴스 자료사진. 재판매 및 DB 금지]

(Seoul = Yonhap News) Correspondent Kim Ji-yeon = The United Nations stressed on the 3rd (local time) that it is important for the Security Council to raise a united voice, saying that North Korea’s recent missile provocations have violated Security Council resolutions of the United Nations.

“At least we are not ignoring it,” UN spokesman Stephan Dujarric said at a regular briefing on the same day.

“It is important to hear a strong and united voice from the Security Council,” said Dujarric.

Asked if Secretary-General Antonio Guterres had contacted anyone about North Korea recently, he said, “As far as I know, not in the last few days.”

Deputy UN spokesman Farhan Haq told Voice of America (VOA) Secretary-General Guterres’ comments that he was urging North Korea to return to the negotiating table immediately after fearing North Korea’s missile launch would exacerbate regional and international tensions. .

At the request of the United States and Europe, the United Nations Security Council will hold an open meeting to discuss the issue of North Korea on the 4th, New York time.

However, given that the division between the United States and China and Russia, which is a permanent member of the Security Council, is significant, it is not expected that a ‘unified voice’ will emerge easily.

China and Russia are putting the brakes on recent Security Council measures against North Korea, including vetoing and rejecting additional US-led sanctions against North Korea in May. In particular, with the Ukraine War in February as an opportunity, China and Russia have become closer and the conflict with the West has deepened.

Meanwhile, the European Union (EU) has also urged North Korea to stop provocations and engage in dialogue, arguing that it is increasing tensions by violating Security Council resolutions, VOA reported.

“The EU reiterates that the only way to peace and security on the Korean Peninsula is to stop North Korea’s illegal and destabilizing behavior and resume dialogue,” said EU spokeswoman Nabila Masralli.

North Korea has been protesting fiercely by firing at least 33 missiles since the 28th of last month, ahead of the “Vigilant Storm”, a large-scale joint air exercise between the United States and South Korea.

On the 2nd, it fired a ballistic missile for the first time south of the Northern Limit Line (NLL) in the East Sea, and the previous day, it fired three ballistic missiles, including one intercontinental ballistic missile (ICBM). , which he criticized. announcement of extension of the Storm Vigilant at midnight 3 additional shots fired.

[그래픽]    North Korea launches a ballistic missile
[그래픽] North Korea launches a ballistic missile

(Seoul = Yonhap News) Correspondent Ban Jong-bin = The long-range ballistic missile launched by North Korea on the 3rd went up to a maximum of about 1,920 km and flew about 760 km at a maximum speed of about Mach 15 (15 times speed the sound).
According to the Joint Chiefs of Staff, the specifications for a long-range ballistic missile launched by North Korea from the Sunan area of ​​Pyongyang at around 7:40 am into the East Sea were captured as follows.
The two short-range ballistic missiles were detected and fired at 8:39 with a flight distance of about 330 km, an altitude of about 70 km, and a speed of about Mach 5.
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2022/11/04 09:44 Send