
The veil of the Kaaba was lifted

Makkah-ul-Mukramah: At first of the Hajj season, the veil of the Kaaba was raised by the Haramin Sharifin Antamia to guard it from harm in the course of the Hajj rush.

In line with the main points, following the custom that has been taking place for years, the duvet of the Kaaba has been raised to a peak of about 3 meters and the decrease half is roofed with a white material known as ‘Ihram ‘.

Like final 12 months, this course of has been accomplished below the supervision of Sheikh Dr. Abdul Rahman Al Sudis, Head of the Common Presidency of Masjid al-Haram and Masjid Nabawi.

On this regard, the Haram administration says that the veil of the Kaaba is lifted throughout Ramadan and the Hajj season as a result of throughout nowadays hundreds of thousands of Umrah pilgrims and Hajj pilgrims from all around the world come to the Holy Land.

It must be famous that the veil of the Kaaba is lifted from all 4 sides. On this course of, particular cords are used with which the veil of the Kaaba is lifted and tied.

The method of lifting the veil of the Kaaba twice a 12 months has been happening for years and it has turn out to be a part of the custom and that’s the reason it’s carried out yearly.

There are particular groups for lifting the Kaaba veil, through which greater than 50 folks take part, whereas a particular faculty can be reserved for this activity.
