
The whole movement on a national tour from May 15

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The presidential movement begins from Wednesday May 15, 2024, a national tour to reissue the account in all the municipalities of the country. This is one of the conclusions of the recent meeting of the Head of State with elected officials from the Republican Bloc and the Progressive Union Renewal at the Cotonou convention center. Parliamentarians and other elected officials from the movement were immersed, during the said meeting, in the measures, actions, mid-term achievements of President Talon as well as projections for the rest of the five-year term. During this tour, all this information will be exposed to the populations. Members of the government, ministers, deputies, mayors and other elected officials from the presidential movement will be in contact with the grassroots populations in the 77 municipalities of Benin.

MP Jérémie Adomahou during his appearance on Bip radio last Sunday indicated that the results obtained since 2016 in each sector were presented to participants in the meeting. “We took a mid-way point to see what has been done so far, what is very well done, where there is still a lot to do and the efforts that have been made in each of the sectors in relation to the picture that Benin presented in 2016,” he suggested.