
These foods are proven to clean the lungs of accumulated toxins! –






A high level of pollution, weather changes, various viruses, as well as tobacco smoke adversely affects the respiratory organs. In this period, lung health is in the first place due to the corona virus pandemic. Certain foods can significantly help in cleaning the respiratory organs and reducing cough. These are the 8 most powerful.

In addition to protecting the lungs, these foods will also strengthen immunity.

1. Turmeric

In case of respiratory problems, there is usually a feeling of unusual heaviness on the chest. Daily consumption of turmeric helps reduce inflammation in the airways, and the presence of the compound, curcumin, helps in natural lung cleansing and helps detoxify the body, which further helps boost immunity.

2. Green tea

And how powerful it is when it comes to respiratory problems. Enriched with polyphenols, green tea has anti-inflammatory properties that help reduce inflammation in the lungs. 3. Peppermint

Many civilizations have used mint for its significant medicinal properties. Hot mint tea breaks up accumulated mucus and soothes inflammation caused by lung infections.

4. Ginger

One of the most commonly used home remedies for treating coughs and colds is definitely ginger. It is known for its anti-inflammatory properties, which help remove toxins from the respiratory tract. It contains many vitamins and minerals, including potassium, magnesium, beta-carotene and zinc. Several studies report that ginger extracts can destroy lung cancer cells.

5. With

Honey is well known for its antibacterial properties that help reduce discomfort caused by respiratory problems.

6. Buy a luk

Although it does not have an appealing taste, garlic has amazing medicinal properties. Garlic contains a compound called allicin, which acts as a powerful antibiotic and helps treat respiratory infections. It also calms the symptoms of asthma, but also reduces the risk of lung cancer. 7. Tomatoes and tomato products

Tomatoes and tomato products are among the richest sources of lycopene, a carotenoid antioxidant linked to improved lung health.

Consumption of tomato products has been proven to reduce airway inflammation in people with asthma.

8. Purple cabbage

Red cabbage is a rich source of anthocyanins, and they are associated with improving lung health, it says Style

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