
Thesis Research on Thai Constitutional Drafting: A Comprehensive Study by Mr. Somchai Sawaeng

Later, Mr. Somchai Sawaeng confirmed that the research for the thesis had been done by himself. who studied since 2008 in the public law firm Until obtaining his doctorate This thesis involved interviews with people involved in the old Constitutional Drafting Assembly (parliamentarians), drafters of the 1997, 2007 and 2017 constitutions, former parliamentarians of both the government and the opposition, as well as senators who have seen and see differently too

There were focus group interviews with both academics and the public. The project involved 500-600 citizen samples across the country and analyzed the 2017 Constitution alongside previous versions. and foreign articles which has references and has been copied all over the world. What iLaw publishes is false. There is a distortion.

#Senator #Somchai #vows #sue #iLaw #lying #doctoral #thesis