
They seek to take away the pensions of ministers; initiative proposes transformation of the Court

He President Andrés Manuel López Obrador raises a fundamental transformation of the Judiciary in one of the initiatives that will be sent to the Chamber of Deputies next week.

The reform, to which Excelsior had access, proposes that the Supreme Court ministers of do not have the right to withdrawal assets and that the electoral magistrates are prevented from aspiring to join the highest court.

Currently, the retirement benefit is for life and consists of the payment of the monthly income that corresponds to active ministers. It is 100% in the first two years and 80% for the rest of the time.

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Also fixed term he September 1, 2025 for dismiss the current 11 ministers y disappear the Federal Judiciary Council. It establishes that on October 1, 2025, the current judges of the Superior Chamber and Regional Chambers of the federal Electoral Court will be discharged.

Reduces the number of Court ministers from 11 to nine and shortens the period of his commission from 15 to 12 years. Also, they should be punished if they take more than six months to resolve a tax dispute.

District judges, circuit magistrates, electoral judges and ministers must be elected by society, after convocation of the Senate.


With the deadline of September 1, 2025 to dismiss the current 11 ministers from Supreme Court of Justice of the Nation (SCJN) and the Federal Judiciary Council disappears, and on October 1, 2025, the current judges of the Superior Chamber and Regional Chambers of the Electoral Tribunal of the Judicial Branch of the Federation (TEPJF), the Republic President raises a fundamental transformation of the Judiciary.

The proposal for reform of the Judiciary that the President of the Republic will send to the Chamber of Deputies next week and to which Excelsior had access, contemplates prohibiting the suspension of general rules that are subject to controversy and unconstitutionality actions.

Also includes the reduction from 11 to nine ministers, so that the qualified majority in the plenary session is formed with six and not eight votes; reduce his commission period from 15 years to 12 years; that they are elected directly by society and no longer by the Senate, that they earn a salary equal to the Republic President and are punished if they take more than six months to resolve a tax dispute.

According to the document, the federal president proposes that ministers no longer have the right to retirement benefits and that electoral magistrates are prevented from aspiring to become ministers of the Supreme Court.

The presidential proposal, which began to be known by senators of Morena this Friday night, orders that all District Judges, all Circuit Magistrates, all Superior Chamber Magistrates and Regional Chambers of the electoral Tribunal and all the ministers of the court They are elected by society, in elections held at the national level in the case of the full Court and the Superior Chamber of the Court, as well as at the regional level and by judicial circuits.

The mechanism for the election of the nine ministers of the Cut and seven the magistrates of the electoral Tribunal It is the same: the election will be at the national level; The Senate issues the call and checks that the candidates meet the requirements.

He President of the Republic proposes 10 candidates; he Senate to fivethe Chamber of Deputies to another five and the Judicial Power to 10 further and specifies that “the Powers of the Union will ensure that their nominations fall on people who have served with efficiency, capacity and probity in the procurement or administration of justice, or who have distinguished themselves for their honorability, competence and professional background in the exercise of legal activity.”

It will be the INE that organizes the election. This will send the result to the Senate, which in turn turns to the TEPJF to qualify the election.

For the election, the candidates will have the right to time on radio and TV, but they cannot receive public or private financing. In case of absence of more than one month or death, the President will propose a shortlist to the Senatewhich will elect by qualified majority an interim, who will occupy the position while the corresponding popular election takes place.

To replace the Council of the Federal Judicature, proposes the creation of a Judicial Disciplinary Courtand a body for the administration of justice.


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