
This girl is dressed like Iggy, every shot is perfect, even the exhaust pipes are draped over her legs.

Meaning: Mother, mother, mother, mother! when Sugar, Chalita, charm part After creating the Cove legend as Scooy Girl
Went to Eclair Juepak’s birthday party.

Recently, on Songkran Day, it was full again after the song That Thong Sound of Young Ohm was extremely popular until the Ekie Fever trend happened Sugar did not delay this event.

I must say Sugar did not disappoint. Dress like a stylus without losing the theme. Able to retain all the details such as even the exhaust pipe markings that line the legs

Ready to write a caption that says “What is this? Another? It is!! Nang Songkran is not riding a buffalo, this year he is riding a wave.”

Make friends, stars and fans thumbs up for her perfection!!