
This is how Jenna Ortega’s mother reacted to the video of the actress smoking

After her stupendous performance in ‘Merlina’, the actress Jenna Ortega has lived quietly, away from the cameras, until a few days ago, when it was caught smoking while talking with a friendto. This incident went viral on social media and the mother of the actress, Natalie Ortega, con memes.

Obviously, moms don’t like to see their kids smokebecause this addiction causes health problems irreparable, over the years. Therefore, who gave life to Jenna Ortega, Natalie Ortega, reacted with a hintyes, through memes that he posted on his profile Instagram.

After the viral video of Jenna Ortega smokingare mother began to post stories on Instagram, with Gollum memesthe character from ‘The Lord of the Rings’, emaciated and with bad teeth, saying that the ‘cigarette is not harmful’… Clear, sarcastically.

Also, Jenna Ortega’s momshared information about the diseases caused by smoking cigarettesamong them the lung cancer and the stress that addiction generates. This perhaps in order to scold his famous daughter or prevent fans from following in your footsteps after viewing the video of the actress smoking.

What does Jenna Ortega’s mother do?

The reaction of Jenna Ortega’s mother, Natalie Ortegawhen posting memes about the dangers of cigarettes after the video of his daughter smoking, is logical, since in addition to wishing well for his family, he has knowledge in health issues. This because of is dedicated to nursingapparently, in a hospital in California.