
This is how the Germans think about making sacrifices for the environment

Make compromises in favor of the climate? According to their own statements, almost two-thirds of Germans are willing to do so – especially in one area of ​​life.

According to a survey, 68 percent of Germans would personally limit themselves to climate protection. However, 19 percent of those surveyed would not want to do without something to achieve the climate protection goals, according to a survey by the opinion research institute YouGov on behalf of “Welt am Sonntag”.

Citizens are therefore most willing to fly less frequently. 43 percent think this is possible. 40 percent would heat less. 27 percent could imagine changing their diet. Only 13 percent would get rid of their own car. Multiple entries were possible.

According to the survey, those surveyed have their doubts about the implementation of the energy transition. 21 percent believe that there is no way that Germany will be able to cover its future energy needs exclusively from renewable sources. 30 percent estimate that a complete changeover is “rather not” possible. Only 14 percent are fully convinced of the implementation of the energy transition.