
Transport Operators in Chachoengsao Demand Justice as NGV Gas Prices Soar to Nearly 20 Baht per Kilogram

Chachoengsao – We are deeply concerned about the recent increase in NGV gas prices, which have reached close to 20 baht per kilogram. This sudden and significant increase has caused serious distress to transport operators in our province. We would like to make a statement and appeal to the government for justice in this matter.

It has come to our attention that energy prices, in general, have been gradually reduced in accordance with the policies set by the Pheu Thai government. However, the increase in NGV gas prices has been kept secret and has directly impacted transport operators, who are struggling to cope with this sudden rise.

In the past, we have cooperated with the government to address various issues faced by transport operators. During the Thaksin government era, we worked together to find solutions to our problems. However, under the Seththa government, our concerns have been disregarded, and we are now left with no choice but to seek justice.

On September 18, 2023, a group of entrepreneurs led by Mr. Apichat Phairungruang, President of the Land Transport Federation of Thailand, and Mr. Chitrakorn Phadetsuek, President of the Chachoengsao Chamber of Commerce, gathered to hold a press conference and discuss the problems faced by 64 transport operators. During this gathering, it was revealed that the selling price of NGV gas at service stations had increased from 18.59 baht per kilogram to 19.59 baht per kilogram on September 16, 2023.

Mrs. Sunantha Suksanguan, a 60-year-old transport operator in Chachoengsao Province, shared her experience of receiving a notice from a major energy company, which is a major shareholder and has been ordered by the government to adjust the selling price of NGV gas. This notice stated that the price would increase from 18.59 baht per kilogram to 19.59 baht per kilogram, with the possibility of another increase to 20.59 baht per kilogram in December this year. This increase contradicts the government’s policy of reducing energy prices, as electricity and diesel prices have been lowered.

We appeal to the relevant government agencies to quickly find a solution to help our businesses survive. The Land Transport Federation of Thailand will submit this matter to Mr. Settha Thavisin, the Prime Minister, in order to raise awareness about the challenges faced by transport operators due to the increased price of NGV gas.

NGV gas was initially introduced as an alternative energy source during the Thaksin government era. It was encouraged by the government as it could be drilled domestically, reducing the need for imports. In contrast, the price of diesel was high, reaching 45 baht per liter in 2002. As a result, many truck and public transport operators switched to using NGV gas, causing heavy traffic congestion at gas refueling stations.

Unfortunately, a major gas wholesale company has continuously increased the price of NGV gas in a secretive manner, causing significant financial burden for transport operators. The price has risen from 8.50 baht per kilogram to 19.59 baht per kilogram, with three price hikes in the past four months. This increase is unjustifiable, especially when comparing the fuel consumption rate per kilometer between NGV gas and diesel.

The current price of diesel fuel has been reduced to 32 baht per liter, while NGV gas is now sold at 19.59 baht per kilogram. This puts transport operators who use NGV gas at a disadvantage, as they face higher costs compared to those using diesel. This is in direct contradiction to the agreement made when initially adjusting the selling price, which stated that the NGV gas price should not exceed half the price of diesel per liter.

The increase in NGV gas prices has not only affected transport operators but also caused difficulties for the 344 gas service stations nationwide. Additionally, while the prices of other energy sources like electricity have been reduced, NGV gas prices have been continuously increased, neglecting the agreement made with the Thaksin government to support NGV gas as an alternative energy source.

We urge the government to address this issue and consider the suffering of the transport sector that relies on alternative energy. The policies put in place by the Thaksin government to support the use of NGV gas were meant to provide economic relief for transport operators facing high diesel prices. However, this recent increase in prices has jeopardized their businesses and investments.

We plead with Mr. Settha Thavisin, the Prime Minister, and the Ministry of Energy to take immediate action to rectify this situation. We cannot afford to wait until the Prime Minister returns from his overseas trip as it will be too late to address the problem effectively. We hope the government will consider the struggles faced by transport operators and take appropriate measures to rectify this issue.

Chachoengsao – Energy prices are gradually being reduced in accordance with Pheu Thai government policy, but NGV has been secretly increased, close to reaching 20 baht per kilogram, causing serious distress to transport operators. Organize a statement and appeal to the government for justice. It was revealed that in the past they had cooperated to follow measures to solve problems in the period. “Thaksin government” but came back and was thrown away in The “Seththa government” threatens to move on and ask for justice in Government House. But in the end, all we could do was get out and move. After news of the new leader traveling abroad

September 18, 2023 from 2:00 pm – 5:00 pm at Suntara Wellness Resort & Spa, located at 5/2 Moo 1, Khlong Na Subdistrict, Mueang District, Chachoengsao Province, truck a group of entrepreneurs which is led by Apichat Mr Phairungruang, President of the Land Transport Federation of Thailand, Mr Chitrakorn Phadetsuek, President of the Chachoengsao Chamber of Commerce, organized a gathering to speak to 64 transport operators and held a press conference to discuss the operators’ problems.

Interesting news:

After the NGV gas price, the selling price at service stations increased from 18.59 baht per kilogram to 19.59 baht per kilogram at dawn (5:00 am) on September 16, 2023. By Mrs Sunantha Suksanguan, 60 years old, transport operator in Chachoengsao Province which uses NGV fuel in more than 80 trucks and also owns 3 NGV gas pumps in Chachoengsao Province. He said he received a notice from a giant energy company on September 15, 2023. which is a major shareholder and which has been ordered by the government to adjust the selling price of NGV gas.

From the price of 18.59 baht per kg to sell at a price of 19.59 baht per kg, and also notified that in the middle of the month. In December this year, there may be another increase to 20.59 baht per kg, contrary to other energy prices. Electricity and diesel which has been reduced as per government policy So, I would like to ask for justice from the relevant agencies. Find a way quickly to help the business survive. This matter will be sent to Mr Settha Thavisin, the Prime Minister, through the Land Transport Federation of Thailand. Know the problems of transport operators from the increase in the price of NGV gas.

They also said that NGV gas was originally derived from a pump price of 8.50 baht per kg. It was an alternative energy that the government had in the era of Thaksin Shinawatra, former prime minister, Encourage entrepreneurs to use it because they can drill it themselves in the country Thai without having to import it. In the middle of the price of diesel that had to be imported, the price was as high as 45 baht per liter at that time (2002), causing the truck and public transport sectors Almost all of them turned to using alternative energy in 2005.

causing gas refueling stations at that time to be unable to keep up with the number of cars that have switched to using NGV gas energy until causing heavy traffic jams in front of the gas station But today, a major gas wholesale company Has increased the price is confidential continuously. continuously Without informing the business operators or the people who use the gas before, the price has reached 18.59 baht, and most recently 2 days ago it was increased by 1 baht to the price of 19.59 baht per kilogram. It has continued to rise 3 times per kilogram. 4 months.

Although the price of diesel is currently falling, it is considered to be the opposite. When comparing the fuel consumption rate per kilometer, the transport costs are considered to be the same. If the price of diesel fuel is sold at 35 baht per litre, the price of NGV gas should not be sold at more than 17 baht per kg, but currently it has risen to 19.59 baht. In addition, diesel fuel now raised a reduction in the price to be sold at 32 baht per liter a fraction of a baht, and on the 20th, it will drop to more than 30 baht, causing entrepreneurs who use NGV gas, about 300,000 of vehicles, tired at the time of making a competitive bid. Because they are at a greater disadvantage than diesel users, who have more than 400,000 vehicles.

Because of the higher gas prices It is not in accordance with the agreement made since the initial selling price adjustment, that is, the price per kilogram will not be more than half the price of diesel per litre. For the reason that gas vehicles require higher maintenance than diesel vehicles. With this agreement, this is the reason why we are turning to using NGV gas. This increase in prices has caused the whole circle of NGV gas users to suffer, including the 344 gas service stations across the country

In addition, the price of other energy fields such as electricity has also been reduced from 4.68 baht per unit to 4.10 on September 1, 2023. Therefore, the policy that previously certified NGV gas users as an alternative energy Choose when So it is “the Thaksin government” must come and make demands. After this, a letter will be sent to Mr Settha Thavisin, the Prime Minister and the Ministry of Energy. Through the Chamber of Commerce and the Land Transport Federation, Mrs. Sunantha.

Mr Apichart said that transport operators who use NGV gas energy are like being concubines. Amidst the cost of electricity and varying oil prices that is steadily falling So, I would like to leave you with this message: do not abandon this group of Cinderella children. Therefore, I would like the government to take the price of NGV into consideration as well. Since the theft of chicken has risen to 19.59 baht from the price of 8.50 baht, I would like to call for a look at the suffering of the transport sector that uses alternative energy.

Because the project to support the use of NGV gas took place during the reign of former Prime Minister Thaksin Shinawatra when he was Prime Minister, he initiated it himself in 2004-2005 after the price of diesel fuel rose very high, so PTT was invited to look at the energy aspect Options to support them Until finally, a policy was announced to turn to using NGV gas instead. In the past, there have been many problems. From the wholesale gas company I have always tried to find a way to ask for a price increase.


Until finally, the Land Transport Operators Association of Thailand In which he was the president of the association, at the time he went to make a Memorandum of Understanding with the gas wholesaler company to raise the price. But it should not be more than half the price of 1 liter of diesel per 1 kg of gas, but today we were tricked into raising the price of gas without any prior announcement. And it also concluded that it will increase again in December 2023 to 20.59 baht per kg.

Although the transport sector which uses energy on one side has an opportunity to reduce. But another sector has not been reduced. It is the same freight. And it is the lifeblood of the country too. Instead, they were discriminated against in this way. Therefore, I would like to send a message to Mr Settha Thavisin, the Prime Minister and Minister of Energy, to help consider the problems in this area. Although the previous government was a supporter. But in the end, they came back and increased the price until we couldn’t live together.

Before we adapted to use NGV gas as fuel, We invested a lot. The engine had to be converted from diesel to use NGV fuel, and some people were also ordering imported cars from overseas. But in the end, it was about to be destroyed. So, I would like to leave this message to this government as well.

By the first time He intended to go and find the Prime Minister. But I heard the news that Mr. Settha is going to travel abroad. If we wait for him to come back and then inform him about the issue, he probably won’t be in time. So he came together for a press conference today. As several Deputy Prime Ministers and Ministers are still working, especially the Minister of Energy, I would like to leave you with the message that you are ready to welcome us as well. Because he will travel in soon and ask for a meeting said Mr. Apichart.

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