
Trial of the feminicide of the girl Fátima Cecilia is postponed

The beginning of the oral trial against those allegedly responsible for the feminicide of the girl Fátima Ceciliawas postponed for the second time.

The trial was postponed because the judge of the case, Mónica Olivareshad to be hospitalized for a health issue.

However, Sonia López, aunt of the victimassured that, until now, he does not know – because he was not assigned – a new hearing date.

He explained that when appearing at the courts of East Prison, The authorities indicated that in the coming days they will notify them of the date for the next judicial act. The first time that the opening order for the oral trial against Giovana “N” and Mario “N” was postponed was on November 13.

On that occasion it was postponed until January 29, because the defendant’s defense did not appear at the hearing.. According to investigations, Giovana picked up the 7-year-old girl at the Enrique Rébsamen school located in the Xochimilco mayor’s office, on February 11, 2020.

He then took her to a home located on Camino Ancho Street, where her partner, Mario, sexually assaulted her and subsequently deprived her of her life. Four days after the disappearance of the minor, her body was found in the Tláhuac mayor’s office.

On February 19 of that year, Mario and Giovana were arrested in the State of Mexico. Then they were transferred to CDMX, where a Control judge linked them to the process. Since then, she has been imprisoned in the Santa Martha Acatitla prison and he in the Reclusorio Oriente.



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