
Troubleshooting Common Problems with the Ray EV: A Closer Look at Minor Issues and Solutions

[오토트리뷴=최현진 기자] It’s been almost two months since the new car was released. In the meantime, some minor problems with the Ray EV have been discovered. It wasn’t a fatal problem, but it was definitely an annoying part of daily life.

▲Ray EV’s rear wiper broke (Photo = Reporter Choi Hyun-jin)

The first problem is the rear wiper. Even when I pulled the lever, it showed no sign of moving. However, when I sprayed windshield washer fluid again, I could confirm that it was working properly. From this it was possible to deduce that the cause was a wiring problem with the switch or lever rather than a problem with the operation of the windshield wiper itself.

▲Sliding door showing symptoms of intermittent opening and closing (Photo = Reporter Choi Hyun-jin)

Additionally, there were times when the passenger side second row sliding door would not open intermittently, and a high-frequency sound could be heard at high speed while driving. To resolve these issues, I made an appointment at the Kia Service Center for an inspection.

▲Visited Kia Service Center to resolve various issues (Photo = Reporter Choi Hyun-jin)

I visited the center, registered and first got into the car with the repair technician in charge to check for any anomalies in the high frequency sounds. I checked for high frequency sounds while driving on a nearby highway for about 20 minutes, but received the response that it is difficult to say that there is actually a problem with sounds at this level. Here, if the noise gets louder or if there is a problem with the ride itself, come back and have it checked again.

▲High-frequency noise was found to be a normal phenomenon for electric vehicles (Photo = Reporter Choi Hyun-jin)

As a result, it was concluded that this high frequency sound is a normal sound that is inevitably generated when the engine is running. However, I also thought that once the engine noises heard in current internal combustion engine cars disappeared, these little sounds would become even more annoying. It is also believed that this is an unavoidable transitional issue as we move from internal combustion engines to electric vehicles, and we will discuss this in more detail later.

▲Ray EV received for inspection (Photo = Reporter Choi Hyun-jin)

The sliding door, which intermittently failed, also appeared to function normally despite having been opened and closed multiple times. So, among these symptoms, the only thing that needed work was the rear windshield wiper. Since the actual symptoms appeared immediately in this area, the repair technician immediately started the inspection.

▲As expected, the cause was that the wiring of the windshield wiper operation was broken (Photo = Reporter Hyunjin Choi) ▲Photo of the work on the rear wiper wiring (Photo = Reporter Hyunjin Choi)

Following inspection, as expected, the cause was a broken rear wiper control wire. The problem was that the wiring inside the handle was too tight. As a result, the line broke due to internal stress and the windshield wipers could not be operated except by spraying windshield washer fluid. The process of repairing and reconnecting this wiring took about an hour.

▲Ray EV interior (photo = Reporter Choi Hyun-jin)

I have managed to resolve these minor but annoying issues to some extent. Due to the inspection and repairs during the new car’s free warranty period, not a single cent was charged for labor. However, there is no law that prevents these problems from recurring in the future, so I could clearly feel the need to pay much more attention than before when driving.

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#Suddenly #doesnt #work.. #visit #Ray #Service #Center