
True share knowledge Climate Disclosures Affecting Business Operations –

The Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) holding hands united kingdom government andEY Corporate Services Company Ltd. Organized a seminar on “Climate Related Disclosures and Implementation” via online with invitationTrue Group by Dr. Thiraphol Thanomsakyuth Chief Executive Officer for Innovation and Sustainability Bringing knowledge and expertise in digital telecommunication business along with sustainability Let’s share our views on the topic of “Climate Disclosure Affecting Business Operations” through hands-on experiences and sustainability projects. concretely

Dr. Thiraphol Thanomsakyuth Chief Executive Officer for Innovation and Sustainability, True Corporation Plc. said, “True Group, as one of the 16 pilot organizations in Thailand Registered as a sponsor of the Task Force on Climate-Related Financial Disclosure (TCFD) has adopted a sustainability approach to its planning. risk assessment Ready to deal with the impact of such factors on business efficiency such as problems with network equipment damage. from flood disaster or the device’s lifespan is shortened with rising global temperatures. which all affect business costs however In every crisis there is an opportunity. which in this climate change crisis will provide an opportunity to create sustainability Dealing with the impacts of climate change on the world

Disclosure of information from climate impacts In addition to reflecting transparency in accordance with the TCFD international framework and in accordance with good corporate governance. It also leads to brand image and credibility. as well as increasing trade opportunities and business competitiveness which consumers They are also focusing on supporting the products and services of organizations that focus on sustainability.”

True Group focuses on bringing technology to drive environmental projects. to reduce greenhouse gas emissions Reduce the impact of climate change and create a concrete sustainability, for example, the installation and use of electricity from Solar Cells currently available at 3,481 base stations and interchange stations, helping to reduce greenhouse gas emissions by 12,570 tons CO2 equivalent. Installing 11,900 MWh of energy-saving equipment can reduce greenhouse gas emissions by more than 5,500 tons CO2 equivalent.

It also works with partners to procure and use electricity from clean energy. including implementing the internal carbon price mechanism used in deciding which projects to invest all of which To achieve True Group’s sustainability goal of becoming a Carbon Neutral Organization by 2030, reinforcing its leadership in digital technology that is committed to doing business with sustainability This is reflected by being selected as a member of the Dow Jones Sustainability Indices (DJSI) with the highest score in the telecommunications category for four consecutive years (2018-2021).