
TV CHOSUN’s ‘Joseon’s Lover’ Exclusive Coverage of Julien Kang and JJ’s Wedding

[스포츠조선닷컴 이우주 기자] TV CHOSUN ‘Joseon’s Lover’ got exclusive photos from the wedding of physical couple Julien Kang and JJ (real name Park Ji-eun) on the 10th.

On the 10th, broadcasters Julien Kang and JJ light the fireworks. Although it’s only been about a year since Julien Kang and JJ met, they got married very quickly due to their strong confidence and attraction to each other. In particular, their wedding, which will be broadcast exclusively on ‘Joseon’s Lovers’, will combine Korean and foreign styles to create a movie-like picture.

Also, due to the Western wedding tradition called ‘First Look’, where the groom does not see the bride in a dress first before the ceremony, Julien Kang prepared for the wedding which is equivalent to a secret operation to avoid meeting the bride before the wedding. . Julien Kang’s older brother, mixed martial arts star Dennis Kang, visited Korea for the first time in 10 years for his younger brother’s wedding. ‘Joseon’s Lover’ is expected to reveal the story behind Julien Kang ♥ JJ’s wedding, the ‘hot couple’ soon, as well as the location of an East-West wedding that cannot be seen anywhere else.

Meanwhile, CHOSUN’s ‘Joseon Lover’, a true documentary entertainment TV show that captures every moment of love, will take a week off on the 13th (Monday). It will be broadcast on CHOSUN TV at 10 PM on Monday the 20th.

#Julien #Kang #exclusive #shot #wedding #scene.. #couple #great #body #illustrated..