
Ukrainian Army Shoots Down Russian A-50 Spy Plane in Second Incident in One Month

Ukrainian army complains Shooting down an A-50 spy plane for 10 billion baht from the Russian army was the second. In the space of one month As the war in Ukraine marks its 2nd anniversary

Sources in the Ukrainian military claim that Ukraine has shot down a Russian military A-50 spy plane while flying between port cities. Rostov-on-Don with Krasnodar southern Russia Which is more than 200 kilometers from the frontline, where Russian rescuers found the wreckage of the spy plane that crashed in the Khanevskoy area. and tried to put out the fire that was raging fiercely in the wreckage of the plane.

Air Chief Marshal Mykola Oleshchuk, Commander of the Ukrainian Air Force, thanked the airmen and intelligence officers who helped shoot down the Russian A-50 spy plane on Friday, February 23. Or a day before the Ukraine War marked 2 years since Russian President Vladimir Putin launched the war in Ukraine on February 24, 2022.

A video recording of the intense fire on the wreckage of a plane that appeared to have been shot down and exploded several times has been shared on the X platform, formerly Twitter.

Krasnodar rescue workers later said that an A-50 spy plane crashed near the Armenian village of Trudovaya in the Khanevskoy District. Officials later brought the fire under control.

However, after the Ukrainian military claimed to have shot down another Russian A-50 spy plane. Russia has yet to come out to comment. which if true This was the loss of an A-50 spy plane, which used radar to detect long-range enemy aircraft targets. Each ship costs about 260 pounds, or about 11 billion baht, and is Russia’s second. After the first ship was shot down While flying over the Sea of ​​Azov on 15 January.

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