
Uncovering the Truth: The Creation of the Covid Virus and the Role of US Researchers

It is fortunate for people in the world that in the United States there is a law on the transparency of information that must be disclosed. We are therefore informed by 1400 pages of documents and many international media outlets revealing the United States’ right to information, including Jim Haslam.

The first wave of exposure Ralph Baric of the University of North Carolina in 2018 announced the successful creation of a bat chimera that was 20% different from the previous SARS epidemic. Already in 2003

Two pieces that. The first is the part that will be attached to humans, i.e. the S1 spinal column of the 293 bat, which is 20% different from that of SARS, the second is the S2 part of the bat, also HK3, which it is 20% different from that of SARS. difference.

This implies that the creation of this new virus can cover all viruses that will spread and cause epidemics in humans. and be able to create a vaccine for humans first, when the COVID epidemic occurs. It seems that COVID is 22% different from the SARS virus, while the idea of ​​creating a virus different from the SARS virus is at 22%. This is what Baric revealed at the coronavirus conference. He explains that if the difference exceeds 25%, it will not be possible to create a hybrid that will infect humans. and other mammals

Baric dubbed this 25% theory a bookend, which probably doesn’t mean it’s a bookend. But it refers to the end of the process of the coronavirus spreading to humans. Baric is trying to find bat virus samples that differ no more than 25%, using a bat virus called RaTG13 that has been stored at the Wuhan Virus Research Institute since 2013. Difference 24.6%

six months before COVID outbreak in 2019. This theory was proposed for funding by the US Institute of Public Health NIH NIAID under the project name CREID (Center for Emerging Infectious Diseases Research) and has already been approved for funding . The important thing is that there are scholarships available in Thailand too. and there are government agencies academic institution Organizations in Thailand operate under this CREID.

This project aims to find viruses that have a difference of no more than 25%, and the COVID virus that seems to be spreading around the world since 2019 has a difference of 22%, so it can be said that the operational plan is complete. Already

Not only that This project also aims to focus on finding viruses that have already spread. This is a virus from the Ebola group. (Filovirus) and the Nipah virus group (Nipah virus causing epidemics of encephalitis and pneumonia) finding viruses from bats that differ no more than 10%. And this is why organizations and academic institutions in Thailand are still looking for viruses. The Covid group includes the Ebola and Nipah group. Giving the minimum difference no more than 10% to be able to infect humans and cause epidemics as efficiently as possible.

The second wave of exposure involves links to the Duke NUS medical school in Singapore. Linfa Wang and Danielle Anderson in 2018 submitted a DEFUSE grant, a model for CREID, to DARPA, the US Department of Defense. But it was not approved. Due to the random risk of danger But finally Replace the proposal to the NIH on behalf of the CREID project.

Duke has a role at the Wuhan Institute in vaccine testing on bats, while in the DEFUSE project, Danielle is responsible for animal testing. She specializes in the study of viruses and various animal models and in 2019 she worked as an expert on bat immunity at the Wuhan Virus Research Institute. and in November 2019 she left the Wuhan Institute for unknown reasons and never disclosed her role in DARPA’s DEFUSE project. Linfa Wang is considered a master of bats. she of the world and is editor of the number one journal, including the journal virology, and she resigned as director of Duke’s Institute for Emerging Infectious Diseases.

Danielle is the director of the Level III Biosafety Laboratory at Duke, responsible for laboratory animal work with expertise in molecular biology. and RNA viruses

In the third wave of exposure, Valentine Brutelle analyzed that the coronavirus was the result of a reverse genetic system engineered in the laboratory from six cDNA fragments stitched together using restriction endonuclease. Importantly, Baric even published the creation of a virus from a piece of DNA into a complete genetic strand, like COVID. In the DEFUSE 2018 project, Baric detailed on YouTube the use of the BsmBI enzyme, which is also found in the Covid virus. And it was published in the journal Cell on July 23, 2020 (after the COVID outbreak) showing the creation of the COVID virus. How easy is it? and study tissue location Places where the COVID virus likes to go, such as in various parts of the respiratory system. Needless to say, the team had already planned ahead for the creation of the COVID virus, and in 2020, Baric decided to use other restriction enzymes to create the COVID virus. This could be a deviant link to COVID.

Fourth wave of exhibition Baric has created a body of work of which he can be proud. and in being able to create the Covid virus in a test tube. And the most important thing is the location that gives it the ability to infect humans and cause disease: the furin cleavage site. This piece of genetic code was executed by Baric in cutting this section at the junction of the cleavage site. Plugs S1 and S2 (R667)

The fifth wave of exposure Tim Sheahan Baric’s team is considered a genetic expert and includes several staff members responsible for different parts of the genetic makeup of the virus.

On December 11, 2019, Tim shared a screenshot. BatSRBD is displayed on the computer screen, i.e. the information of the specific genetic code of the consensus sequence of the UNC, University of North Carolina, published in the PNAS journal “synthetic recombinant bat SARS-like coronavirus is contagious in cultured cells and in mice” in 2008. This is a laboratory synthesis The full-length 27.9 kb coronavirus known as bat SARS-like coronavirus (Bat-SCoV) is believed to represent the origin of the SARS epidemic. and has the ability to infect cells and laboratory animals

In addition to this, the Covid virus itself is believed to be selectively assigned by the genome. Bat coronaviruses, including RaTG13, Laos, Banal, Thailand, Cambodia. Samples of various bat viruses that could cause epidemics will be stored in Baric’s refrigerator in North Carolina and used as a genetic platform on which to build the COVID virus. and finally got the 293 and HK3 as mentioned above.

In Baric and Fauci’s joint press conference in 2020, Baric mentioned a 25% bookend that the research would require. Prevent the next global epidemic. without announcing past research into the creation of the virus. with an Already Covid project

Baric, in an interview before the September 2021 DEFUSE project complaint, denied that “I have never sent genetic information about virus hybrids, clones, or the virus itself” to the Wuhan Virus Research Institute.

However, Fauci approved $65,000,000 in funding for UNC Baric’s Rapidly Expanding Antiviral Drug Development Initiative (READDI).

And let’s not forget that the patent on the genetic data of the Covid virus has been owned by Baric and the NIH since 2018.

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