
Understanding and Managing Arthritis: Tips for Housewives

Photo source: Pixabay

[스포츠조선 장종호 기자]After the holidays, the number of housewives experiencing bone and joint pain increases.

Most people put up with it thinking that it will get better with rest, but these symptoms could be one of the first symptoms of arthritis, so caution is needed.

With the help of Professor Park Jin-soo from the Department of Rheumatology of Ilsan National Health Insurance Hospital, we have summarized the methods of treatment and management of the early symptoms of arthritis.

Difference between degenerative arthritis and rheumatoid arthritis

Arthritis is when there are objectively evident symptoms of inflammation, i.e. pain and heat when pressing on the joint, swelling of the joint is observed and the range of motion is reduced due to pain. If the patient only complains of joint pain , it’s called joint pain.

The causes of this arthritis are diverse, including degenerative diseases, autoimmune diseases, inflammatory diseases such as gout, and bacterial infections or reactivities.

Degenerative arthritis, a representative arthritic disease, is a disease mainly caused by degenerative changes in the articular cartilage, and as it progresses, swelling, pain and deformation of the joint occurs due to the loss of articular cartilage and changes in the surrounding environment. bone tissue.

Furthermore, rheumatoid arthritis, a type of autoimmune disease, is a representative chronic inflammatory disease in which the immune system, which plays a role in protecting the body from harmful bacteria and environments, instead attacks the body, creating inflammation, which causes damage to the body. the joints.

Stiffness in the morning vs. pain after exercise or work

Depending on the cause of arthritis, the first signs vary greatly. In the case of rheumatoid arthritis, morning stiffness (morning stiffness) for more than an hour is typical, while in the case of degenerative arthritis, joint swelling and pain generally occur after strenuous exercise or work without any change apparent in the early stages, and then after rest. It seems to be improving. However, as the disease gradually progresses, pain that repeatedly worsens after using the joint a lot and knee pain that appears when going down stairs are typical examples.

Degenerative arthritis aggravated by housework

Most joint diseases that occur in housewives are degenerative arthritis. Joint symptoms are closely related to female hormones and become more frequent after menopause. Housewives often experience joint symptoms in their hands while doing housework, and washing hands in cold water, drying or wringing out dishcloths can make the pain worse.

The areas where joint symptoms occur most frequently are the finger joints and the knees. Fingers appear in proportion to genetic factors (more common if the mother has toe deformities) and frequency of use, and in the case of knees, symptoms are influenced by loss of leg muscles with age and increased weight on the joints. It will affect you.

It must be adapted through the correction of lifestyle habits, physical exercise, etc.

Treatment methods vary depending on the cause of the arthritis.

In the case of degenerative arthritis, which is the most frequent condition, the basics are to protect the joints, reduce weight and strengthen the muscles through appropriate exercises that put less strain on the joints, such as swimming, aquagym and cycling.

Especially for housewives, it is important to change habits that put a strain on the joints (squatting, kneeling to clean, washing your hands, wringing dish towels, etc.). Additionally, physical therapy, anti-inflammatory pain relievers, cartilage nutrients, and intra-articular injection treatments exist, and surgical treatment may be considered when severe arthritis interferes with daily activities or when other treatment methods are ineffective.

Additionally, the goal of rheumatoid arthritis treatment is to reduce inflammation, eliminate pain, minimize joint deformation, and allow reuse of damaged joints.

Medication is the mainstay of treatment, and braces or physical therapy may also be used to protect the joints. Pharmacological treatment is based on antirheumatic drugs, commonly known as immunotherapy drugs, and steroids and anti-inflammatory painkillers and, if necessary, biological agents can be used in combination. Professor Jinsu Park advised: “It is necessary to learn lifestyle habits that protect the joints along with drug treatment, and it is good to exercise consistently within a range that does not cause strain.”

He continued: “Arthritis is a chronic disease, and instead of hoping for a quick recovery with untested foods or surgeries that are thought to be good for your joints, you need to keep it under control by changing your lifestyle habits, losing weight and doing physical exercise. with the help of a doctor.” advised.
Journalist Jong-ho Jang

Professor Jinsoo Park
#housewife #bone #pain #holidays #difference #degenerative #rheumatoid #arthritis