
Understanding Frozen Shoulder: Symptoms, Diagnosis, and Treatment Options

Jeong Se-jin, director of Cheongna International Hospital

Shoulder pain is a symptom that may occur temporarily after using your shoulder a lot, but if the pain persists or shoulder movement becomes difficult, you should visit an orthopedic surgeon to receive an accurate diagnosis. When shoulder pain occurs as one enters middle age, people usually think of frozen shoulder.

The diagnosis of frozen shoulder is adhesive capsulitis (frozen shoulder), and is called frozen shoulder because it mainly occurs after the age of 50. This is a disease in which inflammation occurs due to degenerative changes in the joint membrane surrounding the shoulder joint, causing shoulder pain and limitation of movement of the shoulder joint.

It occurs mainly in middle-aged people as it is caused by degenerative changes due to aging or excessive use of the shoulder, but it can also occur in younger individuals who use the shoulder joint frequently. Recently, as the number of young people who enjoy exercise and sports activities has increased significantly, the incidence of the disease is also increasing in people in their 20s and 30s, so caution is needed. Also, dull pain can begin in the shoulder joint, in the joint between the scapula and humerus, after minor trauma, and pain can occur in the shoulder even without any specific trauma.

In the early stages of frozen shoulder, mild pain is felt in the shoulder area, so it is easy to ignore. However, as symptoms progress, the pain becomes increasingly intense, and although muscle weakness is unaccompanied, both active and passive range of motion of the shoulder is limited. As a result, even extremely routine tasks, such as washing your face, brushing your hair, or buttoning buttons, become difficult. Additionally, the pain may worsen when you lift your arm straight up.

As the disease progresses, pain may appear that makes daily life difficult or turn into chronic pain, and movement of the shoulder joint may become difficult, requiring early treatment. In particular, there are various pathologies that cause shoulder pain, such as rotator cuff rupture, shoulder impingement syndrome, calcific tendonitis, as well as frozen shoulder, which is why, when suspicious symptoms appear, it is important to receive a diagnosis checked by an orthopedist. specialist and receive appropriate care.

Frozen shoulder can be diagnosed by shoulder arthrography, x-ray and MRI, and individualized treatment can be provided based on the results of the diagnosis. If you are in the early stages of frozen shoulder, symptoms can be relieved with conservative or nonsurgical treatments such as physical therapy, prolotherapy, and manual therapy, depending on the degree of pain. However, if symptoms do not improve despite conservative, non-surgical treatment, surgical treatments such as endoscopic shoulder joint adhesion release under partial anesthesia (Briseman) and endoscopic shoulder joint adhesion release may be necessary under partial anesthesia (endoscopic Briseman).

With Brisman, an orthopedic specialist manually relieves shoulder stiffness caused by adhesions after local anesthesia, while with endoscopic Brisman, after local anesthesia, an endoscope is inserted through a minimal incision to loosen adhesions. In the case of endoscopic breezement it is possible to directly check with an endoscope the parts that cannot be confirmed with MRI or ultrasound alone, making diagnosis and treatment possible at the same time.

Director Jeong Se-jin of Cheongna International Hospital said: “Shoulder pain is a relatively common symptom, but since there are various diseases that cause pain, if you have any suspicious symptoms, it is advisable to visit the hospital to find the exact cause and receive treatment.” “The situation gets worse, so early treatment is important,” he explained.

He continued: “After treatment of frozen shoulder, one should continue to perform passive joint exercises to restore the range of motion of the shoulder and refrain from overuse of the shoulder.” He continued, “To prevent frozen shoulder, it is recommended to maintain correct posture every day. Regularly stretch the shoulder area and avoid overuse of the shoulder. “It is helpful to refrain from using the shoulders.”<도움말: 청라국제병원 정세진 원장>

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