
Understanding International and National Cat Days: A Look at Cat Behavior and Food Safety

However, while many countries around the world celebrate International Cat Day on August 8, Russia celebrates National Cat Day on March 1 and the United States has both International Cat Day and National Cat Day on October 29 each year. Despite these different observances, it is estimated that there are over 500 million cats being cared for worldwide. In 2016, data from the Livestock Office revealed that Thailand had a total of 3,625,733 cats, with 474,142 of them being stray cats. Additionally, there are about 1 million stray or disadvantaged cats in Thailand.

Cats exhibit various behaviors that their owners should be aware of. For example, cats often enjoy being in confined spaces, such as boxes, as it makes them feel safe and relaxed. This behavior, known as “happy paws,” is ingrained in cats from a young age when they massage their mother’s breasts while nursing. Cats also like to rub their heads and faces against their owners as a way of greeting and marking their ownership through pheromones. Furthermore, cats enjoy being in high places not only to observe their surroundings but also to escape from loud noises or disturbances.

Cats often show their affection and gratitude to their well-fed owners by bringing them small gifts such as cockroaches, lizards, or rats. While this may seem unpleasant, it is their way of expressing love.

However, some cat behaviors may indicate underlying problems. For instance, cats urinating in different places can be a form of communication or a sign that they feel threatened or stressed. Similarly, scratching objects is a way for cats to sharpen their claws and leave their scent, but it can also cause damage to furniture. Providing a designated scratching area and keeping their nails trimmed can help prevent this.

Furthermore, cats instinctively cover their feces for various reasons, including hiding from other animals or marking territory. However, if a cat consistently refuses to cover their waste, it may indicate a health issue or a preference for a different type of litter.

It is important for cat owners to be aware of the foods that are harmful to cats. Paracetamol, cow’s milk and its products, raw fish, bones, liver, chocolate, garlic, onions, raw potatoes, tomatoes, eggplants, grapes, raisins, and raw eggs should never be fed to cats as they can cause various health problems, including kidney failure, anemia, and poisoning. Instead, it is crucial to provide cats with a balanced and nutritious diet tailored to their specific needs.

In conclusion, understanding cat behavior and providing them with proper care, including a suitable diet, is essential for ensuring their well-being and maintaining a positive relationship between cats and their owners.

However, although most countries observe August 8 as International Cat Day, Instead, Russia has National Cat Day on March 1, while the United States has International Cat Day. and National Cat Day on 29 October each year

However, it is estimated that there are people all over the worldfeed the catmore than 500 million cats. Data from the Livestock Office in 2016 showed that Thailand had a total of 3,625,733 cats, of which 474,142 were stray cats. About 1 million stray or disadvantaged cats

8 popular Nong Meow behaviors that slaves need to know

couldn’t see the box had to ask to go to bed

Most cats like being in boxes or confined spaces because they feel safe, relaxed and stress free.

Cats are great masseuses.

That’s why cats like to move their feet around on us. This behavior, known as happy paws, has been a behavior that has been ingrained in cats since they were young cats whose eyes were not opened. When sucking milk from the mother cat’s breast She will use her front paws to massage the mother cat’s breast area to make the milk flow.

Kittens will relax while sucking on their mother’s milk. Pheromones are also released from the sweat glands of the paws. So if the cat at home looks like this, it means that it feels very relaxed and comfortable with us. Or if suddenly, she comes to massage, in other words, it means she wants to play with us too.

Tutai is the best

Cats that rub their heads or faces are greeting you. But at the same time, it’s a pheromone label on us because you’re showing ownership.

like to be loud

The reason why cats like to be on high places is not only because they secretly watch and wait to pounce on their prey. but also because they want to escape loud noises and disturbances such as small children, dogs, or other cats. Nong Aep is an annoying animal.

There are always gifts for slaves.

Our cats also have a way of showing their love and gratitude to their well-fed slaves. Or maybe they are worried that we won’t eat enough food. So you like to bring us presents. Some cockroaches, some dead lizards, some dead rats make every cat slave have emps, but don’t be angry with your sister. I brought it to you because I love you.

different urination

The fact that cats like to pee in different places is a way of communication for cats and for humans to show that they exist around here. Don’t even think about ignoring me! But if you only have one cat at home and she likes to pee in different places, it may mean that she feels threatened, stressed or has other health problems that need to be observed.

likes to scratch sofas and furniture

Cats often scratch objects to sharpen their claws and emit scents or pheromones from their paws as a sign of ownership. So, in order not to destroy all the furniture in the house first

Therefore, we should find a nail trimmer for the cat to leave at home so that it does not scratch objects and cause damage. But even if we have claw scratching for cats, don’t forget to keep their nails short.

Finished dirt must be covered. (or sometimes not?)

Cats instinctively cover their dirt for a variety of reasons, such as when they enter another cat’s territory. You’ll have to hide or hide so the locals won’t catch you around. On the other hand, some cats can accidentally leave their droppings uncovered. In order to want to show the territory to other cats to recognize them, but if suddenly our cat refuses to cover the feces, try to see if it is caused by the above reasons.

Or there are other reasons why the younger brother does not cover, for example, he does not like cat litter. I don’t like the litter box litter box too small Dirty litter boxes, etc. If you try to solve these problems and your cat still does not cover the faeces, you should take him to the vet for further advice .

All cats exhibit different behaviour. Owners should therefore know the meaning of these behaviors in order to correctly guess their emotions. And if the behavior of our cats changes. It can show abnormalities or health problems. Don’t forget to observe the cat’s behavior.

10 Foods You Should Never Feed Your Cat


Anyone who, when the cat is sick, gives the cat some paracetamol, is taking it well because they are making a big mistake. Paracetamol is a very dangerous drug for cats. If the cat is sick, do not let the cat eat paracetamol, even just one tablet! because it will cause abnormalities in the cat’s blood system This causes a reduction in oxygen transport, which can lead to panting, vomiting, dark gums, swollen face and feet. to the point of being life threatening And if the cat swallows a large amount of paracetamol, it can die within 24-48 hours.

Cow’s milk and cow’s milk products

Cow’s milk contains lactose which is harmful to cats. This is because cats do not have the enzymes to digest lactose. If you eat cow’s milk, you will often get diarrhoea, vomiting, or flatulence. Of course, if you give cats milk, it should be goat’s milk or formula milk specifically for cats. and in addition to cow’s milk Cow’s milk products such as cheese, butter, etc., should not be fed to cats.

If the fish is not cooked with heat Cats can get germs and cause diarrhoea. As well as the risk of parasites. Raw fish can be eaten from time to time, but it must be clean and the cat should not eat too much.

fish bone and bone

other than fish Fish bones and human bones are equally popular for cats to eat, although they can get stuck in the throat or puncture a cat’s organs if it eats them. And if the bone or fish bone is very sharp, it can be severe enough to puncture the cat’s stomach or small intestine, leading to perforation or bleeding.

Many people like to feed cat liver as food because they think that they have been eating it for a long time and they will not get sick. But the truth is that the liver can affect your cat’s long-term health. Because the liver affects the absorption of vitamin A in the cat’s body. Therefore, it is a food that cats should not eat every day or eat infrequently because if eaten in large quantities or eaten continuously for a long time, it can cause brittle bones in cats or abnormal bone growth in the long term .


Chocolate is dangerous for cats Because chocolate contains theobromine (Theobromine) if it is swallowed, it will cause diarrhoea, vomiting, restlessness, and if it is swallowed in large quantities, fits can occur up to death.

garlic and onions

Garlic and onions, cooked or raw, should not be given to cats because they interfere with red blood cell function. It can cause the younger brother to get anaemia.

Raw potatoes, tomatoes, eggplants

Raw potatoes, tomatoes and eggplants contain solanine, which is toxic to cats. If the cat has been exposed to this type of toxin, it will cause vomiting and diarrhoea.

grapes and raisins

Grapes and raisins can cause acute kidney failure in cats. and harmful to the liver as well Even if eaten in small quantities, it can make your baby sick, have diarrhoea, vomiting and dehydration.

Raw eggs may be contaminated with bacteria. it can cause cat food poisoning In addition, in raw egg white, there is Avidin (Avidin) which will reduce the absorption of biotin, causing cats to have skin problems such as hair loss and coarse hair. It is better for the cat’s health.

None of the cat slaves enjoy seeing their cat sick. Because we have to pay a lot of attention to the cat’s food, always think that a person’s body and a cat’s are not the same. what can we eat It doesn’t mean cats can eat it. He should let him eat healthy food. Good health, cat slaves like us are happy too.

Animal Hospital CR .Talingchan

The atmosphere in today’s online world They post pictures of cats on social media. There are many people who like and share. with the hashtag #WorldCatDay

#Today #World #Cat #Day #August #Cat #slaves