
Understanding Migraines: Causes and Care Tips to Manage Symptoms

Quick check! What kind of headache is called a “migraine”?

Have you ever wondered if recurring headaches that disturb and affect our daily life What is the cause? Many people may confuse these headaches with migraines. In reality, it may just be muscle pain and stiffness. This article will lead everyone to find the answer to the cause. and basic ways to take care of yourself against migraines.

What is migraine?

Migraine It is a type of chronic headache that interferes with daily life. The obvious symptom is a throbbing headache. It usually occurs on one side. or both sides Migraines are more common in women than in men. And it often occurs in people with high emotional and mental stress. In addition to disrupting daily life, it also affects long-term health problems.

What kind of symptom is called migraine?

Migraine pain characterized by severe pain so much so that I could hardly bear it. The pain is such that you cannot continue with any activity. Most of the time it’s a throbbing pain. only one side of my head. When I rested, my symptoms didn’t get better, etc. It’s unclear what caused it.

Medically, no exact cause of migraine pain has been found. But it will be discovered that sensors in the walls of the blood vessels that supply blood to the head are more sensitive than normal. And it arises from internal and external factors. Internal factors such as stress, lack of sleep, etc., External factors such as bright lights, loud noises, pungent odors, hot or unstable weather. drinking alcohol Drinking beverages containing caffeine Eating foods that contain sweeteners Fermented foods, etc., can also cause migraines.

Basic ways to take care of yourself to prevent migraine attacks

1. Avoid being in places with strong sunlight. Especially during the hours 9:00 – 16:00.

2. If you have to go out in hot weather, you can bring an umbrella, wear a hat or sunglasses.

3. Avoid hot and crowded places. There are many people. which causes insufficient air to breathe

4. Drink water often to relieve heat. Drinking enough water can help relieve pain.

5. Take painkillers. Apply a cool cloth to your forehead or neck to relieve symptoms.

6. Get enough rest 7-8 hours a day. and spend the weekend relaxing.

7. Eat every meal. especially breakfast

8. If Symptoms Don’t Improve If you suffer from migraines for more than 3-4 consecutive days, you should see a doctor to determine the cause of your symptoms. and continue treatment

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