
Understanding Osteoarthritis and the Benefits of Robotic Knee Replacement Surgery

Associate Prof. Dr. Bura Sinthupakorn, orthopedic surgeon specializing in knee and hip replacement surgery. Vejthani hospital said this Osteoarthritis It is caused by deterioration of the cartilaginous surface of the knee joint. Normally, the cartilaginous surface helps to make the movement of the knee joint smooth and unhindered and acts as a support for the weight of the body, therefore, if the knee joint starts to deteriorate, it will cause joint stiffness. Feeling stuck in the morning or when you wake up and can’t move your knee well, you feel pain, your knee joints are swollen, you hear a popping sound, and you feel weak.

Factors causing symptoms Osteoarthritis Divided into 4 factors:

  • Age: The older you are, the greater your risk of developing it Osteoarthritis Moreover
  • Gender: Females have been found to be more likely to be Osteoarthritis more than male
  • Improper use, such as kneeling, squatting, crouching, sitting cross-legged.
  • Some congenital diseases that cause more rapid deterioration of the knee, such as rheumatoid

treatment Osteoarthritis Your doctor will evaluate your symptoms and the severity of your knee cartilage deterioration. There are several treatment methods. From adjusting lifestyle habits Eating nutritional supplements for knee joints Drug treatment to reduce inflammation of the knee joint Physical therapy combined with drugs There are many methods of injecting drugs into the knee joint, such as injections into the joint of the knee. Platelet injection, etc., and the last resort is surgery for patients with symptoms. Osteoarthritis acute

Traditionally, knee replacement surgery involves making a large incision, approximately 12 centimeters long, during which the surgeon is responsible for planning and determining the position in which to insert the surface of the artificial joint. that from the nature of the surgery It was found that there were still many limitations, such as the surgeon’s decision. Including the opening of a large wound, causing the patient pain after surgery and a relatively slow recovery.

There is currently robotic technology for Rosa Knee surgery, which consists of two mechanical arms to control and determine the position for cutting and preparing the surface of the knee joint. Helps measure the equipment and dimensions of the artificial knee joints Including software to help plan and simulate surgery in advance. This makes the surgery more accurate and, furthermore, using robots to assist in surgery does not require making large incisions as before. And there is no need to invade the bone cavity. This may cause pain and significant blood loss to the patient, so what the patient will receive from robot knee replacement surgery includes:

  • High Precision: Robotic arms help doctors perform surgeries with precision. Reduce the possibility of errors
  • Small surgical wound: The surgical wound is smaller than traditional surgery.
  • Less bleeding: less bleeding than traditional surgery.
  • Less pain: Patients experience less pain.
  • Rapid recovery: Patients recover quickly. Shorter recovery time, able to get up and walk within 12 hours.
  • Improved movement: Patients can move their body better again.

However, doctors recommend taking care of yourself to prevent it. Osteoarthritis faster, such as weight control Since weight is directly related to osteoarthritis, it has been found that every kilogram increases About 4% of the weight will go to the knee joint. Avoid improper uses such as carrying heavy objects and walking long distances, squatting, sitting cross-legged or squatting for long periods of time, and be careful not to have serious accidents such as twisting or twisting the knee during play, sports, exercise, etc. .

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