
Understanding the Types of Vaginitis Based on Color and Smell of Vaginal Discharge

With increasing temperature and humidity, the incidence of vaginitis increases. This is because it becomes easier for bacteria and mold to reproduce. If the amount, color, or smell of vaginal discharge changes, vaginitis may be suspected. We examined with a Hidoc specialist the types of vaginitis that can be suspected based on the color or smell of vaginal discharge.
Q. What is vaginitis?
Vaginitis is a disease that occurs when the body’s immune system is low, the balance in the vagina is disrupted, and bad bacteria proliferate. Symptoms may worsen during sexual intercourse and there is the possibility of recurrence even after treatment due to stress and overwork. Vaginitis is generally classified into bacterial, candida and trichomonas vaginitis.
– Consultant Doctor of Obstetrics and Gynecology Hidoc Jong-ho Kim (Lo& Obstetrics and Gynecology Clinic Ansan Branch)

Q. What symptoms appear?
If you experience the following symptoms, you may suspect vaginitis: △Excessive vaginal discharge △Itching △Fish-like odor △Pain during sexual intercourse △Pain during urination △Menstrual pain △Irregular bleeding △Pelvic pain △Swelling of the vulva △Vaginal discharge underneath form of foam or cheese, etc.
– Doctor Hidoc consultant in obstetrics and gynecology Choi Dong-seok (Choi Sang Obstetrics and Gynecology Clinic)

Q. I see the shepherd’s bag. Is it vaginitis?
The appearance of shepherd’s purse is a normal phenomenon, but sometimes it can indicate a disease depending on its color. The ordinary shepherd’s bag is transparent and almost odorless.
– Doctor Hidoc consultant in obstetrics and gynecology Choi Dong-seok (Choi Sang Obstetrics and Gynecology Clinic)

D. A white, cheese-like shepherd’s purse comes out.
Candida vaginitis is suspected because of the white, cheese-like discharge. Candida vaginitis, or vaginal candidiasis, is a vaginal infection 85-90% caused by a fungus called “Candida”. Candida bacteria are always present in our body, even if in small quantities. When the body’s resistance weakens due to diabetes or pregnancy, or when the acidity inside the vagina decreases, Candida bacteria become activated and the disease occurs. The incubation period for candidiasis is unclear, and when it occurs, vaginal discharge resembles cheese and has no odor. It tends to get worse right before your period and can cause discomfort during sexual intercourse. The main symptoms of vaginal candidiasis are itching (yellow or red mucous substance coming out of a woman’s vagina) and itching. It may also be accompanied by pain such as vaginal pain, dyspareunia or urination, or itching of the vulva.
– Consultant Urology Doctor Hidoc Kyeong-ho Ryu (Goldman Urology Clinic) Q. The herbs are yellow in color and have a strong odor.
Yellow discharge often appears when a disease occurs in the uterus. It can be caused by endometritis, vaginitis, etc., but if it comes out in lumps like yellow shepherd’s purse with a fishy odor, you may suspect bacterial vaginosis. Itching, burning and redness of the affected area are also symptoms of bacterial vaginosis. These symptoms become more noticeable after sexual intercourse. Because there are many different types of bacterial vaginosis, it is important to determine the cause through a bacterial test.
– Doctor Hidoc consultant in obstetrics and gynecology Choi Dong-seok (Choi Sang Obstetrics and Gynecology Clinic)

Q. There is a lot of light green discharge wetting my underwear and even blisters form.
In the case of Trichomonas vaginitis, cold, watery secretions may be secreted to the point that underwear becomes wet. In particular, pus-like secretion with a large number of bubbles and a bad odor increases and characteristic symptoms such as itching and burning appear. This disease is classified as a sexually transmitted disease among vaginitis because it is often transmitted through sexual intercourse. Therefore, if you are diagnosed with trichomoniasis vaginitis, it is advisable that you receive treatment even if you have a partner. Although the main cause of Trichomonas vaginitis is sexual intercourse, it is difficult to determine the exact cause because vaginitis can be contracted through various routes.
– Consultant Director of Obstetrics and Gynecology Hidoc Hyeong-Geun Lee (Riz Obstetrics and Gynecology Clinic)

Q. Out came the brown shepherd’s bag.
There is a possibility that the cause of brown cold is wounds and inflammation of the cervix, but the most common causes are stress, overwork and lack of sleep.
– Hidoc Obstetrics and Gynecology Consultant Director, Song Seong-wook (Roan Obstetrics and Gynecology Clinic)

Q. Do I need to treat vaginitis?
Some people neglect vaginitis or treat it themselves with vaginal tablets. This method may temporarily reduce the amount of vaginal discharge, but it does not address the root cause. If vaginitis progresses to chronic vaginitis or pelvic inflammatory disease, it could cause infertility in the future, so be sure to test for the exact responsible bacteria and get treatment.
– Director Yoo Seok-dong, obstetrics and gynecology consultant Hidoc (Ro& Obstetrics and Gynecology Clinic)

* This article is an answer reconstructed by a Hidoc expert.

Help = Hidoc consultant doctor Kim Jong-ho (specialist in obstetrics and gynecology at the Obstetrics and Gynecology Clinic at Choi Sang Obstetrics and Gynecology Clinic, Ansan Branch), Hidoc consultant doctor director Choi Dong-seok (specialist in obstetrics and gynecology at the Choi Sang Obstetrics and Gynecology Clinic), Hidoc consultant doctor Director Gyeong-ho Ryu (specialist in urology at the Goldman Urology Clinic), consultant doctor Hidoc Hyeong-geun Lee Director (specialist in obstetrics and gynecology at the Leeds Obstetrics and Gynecology Clinic), consultant doctor Hidoc Director Song Seong-wook (specialist in obstetrics and gynecology at the Goldman Urology Clinic) Lo & Obstetrics and Gynecology Clinic), Director Yoo Seok-dong (specialist in obstetrics and gynecology at the Lo & obstetrics and gynecology clinic), Hidoc consultant doctor

Soo-wan Jo, Hidoc health and medical reporter

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