
Unexpected Revelations: Pace Wu’s Surprising Life Choices and Future Plans

Article source: Madrid Unbelievable on 2024-04-05 09:18:04 – The news comes from the main news media The news content does not represent the position of this website!

I did not expect that Pace Wu is a woman who can share joys and sorrows. Because when Ji Xiaobo was identified as the leader of the underworld group, Wu Pace’s attitude was everyone’s attitude, and he probably ran away with his four children. Or they hide, afraid to appear in front of the public. After all, Wu Pace’s husband, Ji Xiaobo, has loan sharks, which is actually quite scary.
The faces of Ji Xiaobo and Wu Pace were posted on the debt collection road, which made people speechless. But from the details of Wu Pace’s recent return to Taiwan and her party with Wu Qingfeng, it can be seen that Wu Pace no longer has any worries about food and clothes, or even if she has 4 children, she still can afford a nanny.

Even Pace Wu herself does not need to stay with her children all the time, she cannot live without her children, or she cannot go anywhere. Or maybe because Ji Xiaobo’s situation is not good, his own future is not good, and so is the future of his children. On the contrary, it can be seen that Pace Wu is very happy.

At the same time, Wu Pace and Wu Qingfeng’s conversation also made everyone feel that Ji Xiaobo seems to be living a pretty cool life.

First, Ji Xiaobo has not been broken up, and Pace Wu is still with him

Generally, if a woman goes there for a man’s money, then the man won’t have money and the woman will probably leave too. In Ji Xiaobo’s relationship with Pace Wu, everyone assumed that Pace Wu was a woman who fished for women and looked for money all her life. Otherwise, Pace Wu himself would not have given birth to so many children to Ji Xiaobo without a marriage certificate.
But even if Ji Xiaobo is now hiding, judging from what Pace Wu shared about the possibility of being pregnant with the fifth child, Pace Wu did not leave Ji Xiaobo, or did not take care of the child on alone because of Ji Xiaobo’s bad reputation. He even feels that women and children still love Ji Xiaobo.

Of course, because Wu Pace does not need to work now, and the life of her four children is also very good, so it cannot be concluded that Wu Pace does not leave Ji Xiaobo because of love. After all, they may still to get a lot of money, otherwise they would have to raise four children. It can’t be easy, and Wu Pace can’t be so happy when he returns to Taiwan.

Second, Ji Xiaobo probably wants to have more children, and Pace Wu doesn’t mind having five children.

In general, if a person is not optimistic about their future, or if their future is rather dark, they probably don’t want to have children. Even if a person cannot take care of his own life, he basically does not want to worry about welcoming a new life. But Ji Xiaobo is still his partner in Wu Pace’s eyes.

So when Pace Wu was ridiculed by netizens for being pregnant with five children, she actually didn’t shy away from it, or she didn’t think that continuing to have children would affect her life. On the contrary, he readily said that if he had a fifth child, he would give birth to her. And if it is born, it will be given to Wu Qingfeng to raise. In other words, Pace Wu and Ji Xiaobo feel that they are very interested in having children.

Third, Ji Xiaobo received blessings in the eyes of Wu Pace’s friends. Wu Qingfeng blessed Wu Pace, which meant blessing Ji Xiaobo to bring Wu Pace happiness.

I originally thought that Pace Wu had no friends in Taiwan, and it seemed that Big S and Little S no longer played with her. But the relationship between Wu Qingfeng and Wu Pace is so close, and the photos taken together are so intimate, which makes people see a different side of Wu Pace. Although many people laugh at Pace Wu as a materialistic woman, a woman who only cares about money.
But Pace Wu is still very influential in Taiwan, or she is a very popular person. Not only Wu Qingfeng is willing to play with her, but other rich women are also willing to play with Pace Wu. Big S is in Taiwan, except for playing with Xu Xixian, Xiao S, and Huang Chunmei, no one else accepts Big S.

However, Pace Wu has been pregnant for many years before she got married. She is already a mother of four children, and she still has real friends. Wu Qingfeng himself wished Pace Wu, and to some extent, he also sent blessings to Ji Xiaobo. After all, when Ji Xiaobo gets better, Pace Wu himself will get better.

In summary, whether he and Wu Pace are not divorced, he plans to have five children, and he has Wu Qingfeng’s blessing, I don’t think Ji Xiaobo’s life is worse.

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