
Unión Española beat Cobresal 1-0 at home

Like every December 8, parishioners from various parts of the O’Higgins region and the country came to the Sanctuary of La Compañía, in the commune of Graneros, in order to fulfill their vow of faith or promise (manda) offered. for the healing of some illness or some problem that is difficult to solve, or simply to have a moment of prayer or also to buy in the store that is installed around the temple.

From the early hours of this Friday, the presence of faithful could be noticed walking along the road towards the town of La Compañía, while the surroundings of the temple were crowded with people of various ages to listen to the masses arranged from 8:00 in the morning. for the whole day. Although the first pilgrims arrived at the temple during the night, in groups or alone along the Travesía route it was possible during the early hours of this Friday to see the pilgrims walking from Rancagua to La Compañía.

By mid-morning, almost a kilometer of cars had formed a block to reach La Compañía, while hundreds of pilgrims arrived to pay their fare.

The incessant heat forced many of those present to attend with cool and comfortable clothing, while others paid their promises by walking barefoot for several kilometers, although others stood on their heads for a few minutes during the tour.

This purely religious date has also become, over the years, a commercial activity, due to the large number of street and food vendors along the length and breadth of the main avenue, on the outskirts of the Sanctuary.

On the long road that we had to travel, we were able to notice the presence of people paying orders, such as the case of Mrs. Frecia Bello, who from the commune of Machalí, accompanied by several relatives, walked barefoot more than 700 meters before reaching the Sanctuary of the Immaculate Conception.

The day of the great rest

The bishop of the Diocese of Rancagua, Guillermo Vera Soto, was in charge of officiating one of the masses during the day, where he mentioned that “as pilgrims we have arrived here, sometimes tired of our walk, each one with his burdens, some may arrive singing, because they have reasons to be happy, others arrive with tears or with a tight heart because they have difficulties.”

He continued by pronouncing that, in this Sanctuary, every December 8 is the day of great rest and where our soul breathes and is filled with strength because we meet the Virgin, like our mother who welcomes us and who will be before Jesus asking for us.

The prelate asked the multitudinous parishioners to be happy to be Christians, to be Catholics, to belong to the church and that each one can say: “more than you, only God.”

Referring to the plebiscite scheduled for next December 17, he pointed out that a new Constitution will not solve Chile’s problems and “it is necessary that we be more determined to move forward together, quickly addressing the urgent social and political challenges that Chile has, more beyond our legitimate differences and plurality of outlook.”

Pilgrims from various parts

There were many who attended to pay their bills, such as the case of Mrs. Elena Lazo Fuenzalina, who arrived from Santiago with some relatives and said that every year she attends this event “because I suffer a lot from my legs and so that the virgin”.

Omar Tamayo arrived alone from the Gultro commune, since in previous years he did so with his sick wife, who died a year ago, but he said that “it makes me feel good to visit the Virgin.”

During the intervals of each mass, those present enjoyed the “Cultivating Traditions” Group, which with songs and praises brightened the stay of this family activity, who came to worship Mother Immaculate Conception.

Carabineros personnel arranged at various points, together with officials from the Public Security Directorate of the commune of Codegua and Machalí, were in charge of maintaining order and protection of the citizens who attended this religious activity throughout the day.