
Unveiling Korea’s House Exploration Efforts: The Universe is Calling

EBS will broadcast the two-part EBS1 Prime documentary “The Universe is Calling”, a documentary about Korea’s countless challenges and efforts in the direction of the unknown universe, at 10.45pm on the twenty seventh and twenty eighth.

Within the period of New House, wherein a brand new “house economic system” is being opened by personal corporations, the world is engaged in a fierce house race.

Korea additionally started the house age in earnest with the profitable launch of the primary Korean lunar orbiter “Danuri” and the Korean launch automobile “Nuri”, and with the official launch of the “House Administration”, the Korean model of the ” NASA”, on planet Earth. 27.

The EBS1 Prime documentary “House is Calling” examines the present state and way forward for the Korean house trade together with the start of the Korean house age.

The primary half, “We Too Will Go to the Moon”, examines the fierce competitors between Korea and different international locations to discover the moon by Korea’s first lunar exploration vessel, the “Danuri”.

We are going to reveal the success of the lunar exploration mission, together with communication with Danuri by a deep house antenna, a map of the moon taken with the world’s first polarizing digicam, and varied statement information.

As well as, we are going to tackle Korea’s new challenges to the Sea of ​​Tranquility, together with the event efforts of Danuri researchers who opened the door to the moon, the event of independently developed lunar soil for the development of a moon base, and the event of an exploration rover.

The second half, “The Pioneers of House,” examines the event of the launch automobile and the goals of technological independence achieved by the house pioneers who performed a key function within the success of the third Nuri launch.

Moreover, we study the potential for the emergence of a Korean model of House

Reporter Lee Bok-jin

[ⓒ 세계일보 &, 무단전재 및 재배포 금지]

#episode #Universe #Calling #EBS1 #Prime #documentary #aired #twenty seventh #twenty eighth