
Unveiling the Dark Side of Vaccines: Shocking Side Effects Revealed

suggestion! The Jungle – Dream of eternal life: biorevolution

Today’s “Recommended”! “The Jungle” introduces “Dream of Eternal Life: Bio Revolution”.

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“This man has been infected with the COVID-19 virus for over 600 days. “The coronavirus has created dozens of variants in his body.”

Late last month, the global conference of the European Society for Clinical Microbiology and Infectious Diseases was held in Barcelona, ​​Spain. People couldn’t hide their surprise at the announcement made by a research team from the University of Amsterdam in the Netherlands. The virus survived in a person’s body for 613 days without dying, creating numerous mutations. This infection period of nearly two years is the longest on record.

This man, who was infected with the coronavirus in February 2022, was 72 years old at the time. He suffered from several blood cancer-like diseases, including lymphoma. After that, every time I visited the hospital and got tested for coronavirus, I received a positive result. Because he had a serious defect in his blood, his body did not develop antibodies even after receiving the vaccine three times.

The man died in October 2023. It was not the coronavirus, but the chronic blood disease I had initially. The research team analyzed the swab sample used for the coronavirus test. The Omicron coronavirus this man had been infected with was found to have evolved more than 50 mutations.

The research team explained that these mutations were not particularly highly infectious or lethal. It was also stated that as a result no cases of corona infection were found in other people. However, there has been speculation that the coronavirus variant may have appeared in people with weak immunity, like this man.

Four and a half years into the Corona emergency, science is only now learning more about the true nature of this storm-like infectious disease. Not only was a person discovered to have had coronavirus for 20 months, but new, previously unknown side effects were also revealed. It is a disease with the difficult names of transverse myelitis and acute disseminated encephalomyelitis. It acts on the spinal cord and causes abnormalities in the nervous system. It has also been revealed that mRNA vaccines administered to billions of people around the world sometimes do not work properly.

What are the new facts about COVID-19, which has cut off the world and taken the lives of countless people? “Dream of Eternal Life: Bio Revolution,” serialized on Joongang Ilbo’s premium subscription service The Joongang Plus, introduces the latest research and medical information on the coronavirus.

💉 Corona vaccine, touches the spinal cord

In February this year, a multinational research team led by Denmark’s National Serum Institute explored the side effects of vaccines in 99 million people in eight countries on four continents. This was the largest study conducted on people so far regarding side effects. The number of vaccine doses received is also enormous. There are about 180 million doses of Pfizer and BioNTech, about 36 million doses of Moderna and about 23 million doses of AstraZeneca.

The research team examined the side effects of these three most popular vaccines. Pfizer and Moderna are mRNA vaccines and AstraZeneca is a viral vector vaccine. 13 diseases with side effects causing “adverse reactions of particular concern” were revealed. “Adverse reactions of particular concern” refer to side effects of the vaccine that need to be managed with particular care.

Among the 13 side effects, the recently discovered ones are transverse myelitis and acute disseminated encephalomyelitis. Transverse myelitis is a disease that causes inflammation of the spinal cord, which is a bundle of nerves within the spine. Acute disseminated encephalomyelitis is a disease in which the material surrounding the nerve cells of the central nervous system breaks off. If both worsen, fatal side effects remain.

The expected ratio observed between the two diseases occurring during vaccination with the AstraZeneca vaccine was 1.91 and 2.23. When the Moderna vaccine was administered, the expected rate of observation of acute disseminated encephalomyelitis after the first vaccination was 3.78. The expected observation ratio of 1.91 means that if the vaccine had not been administered, 1 case should have been observed, but if the vaccine had been administered, 1.91 cases would have been observed. This is different from the hazard ratio, which indicates the risk in clinical trials. Although the causal relationship is unknown, this means that more observations were made as a result.

Overall, transverse myelitis was found to be 1.82 cases per million doses administered, while acute disseminated encephalomyelitis was 0.78 cases per million doses administered. Nam Jae-hwan, professor at the Department of Biomedical Sciences at the Catholic University of Korea, explained: “This type of disease is found once in a million people or one or two cases in millions,” adding: “It is a truly unknown disease.” disease that cannot be confirmed through clinical trials.”

What are the 13 diseases revealed this time and what was the expected observation rate for each? In particular, how dangerous are myocarditis and pericarditis, typical side effects of vaccines, in reality?

▶For more detailed information, copy the article link and paste it into the address bar.

100 million people surveyed, shocking side effects… Corona vaccine touched the “spinal cord”

✖️MRNA vaccine malfunction revealed

“mRNA vaccines can be toxic”

Last December the words of an influential doctor in American society heated public opinion. Paul Marik leads the organization called FLCCC. He came up with a thesis based on this. It was published in the famous academic journal Nature, revealing the malfunction of the mRNA vaccine.

A research team led by the University of Cambridge in the UK published a study in December last year showing that mRNA vaccines sometimes cause errors. It was a successful study that received third place in terms of attention out of 350,000 articles published in the same period.

The title sounds like an alien language. “N1-methylpseudouridination causes the frame shift of the ribosome to increase by +1.” N1-methylpseudouridination is one of the leading mRNA technologies. In other words, without this technology, current mRNA vaccines cannot be reliably produced.

The implication of this paper is that this underlying technology can cause frame shifting. Ribosomes are biological machines that read mRNA, print amino acids, and ultimately produce proteins. mRNA vaccines produce coronavirus antigens via ribosomes. This viral antigen causes our body to produce antibodies, allowing us to prepare if the virus enters later.

However, if a frame shift occurs here, it is possible that the wrong protein will be created. This means that it is possible to produce a protein different from the coronavirus target protein. This article has proven this through real experiments.

Although this article is extremely scientific, the last sentence of the conclusion is quite significant. “To avoid mistranslations that may reduce efficacy or increase toxicity… The phrase “” is displayed. The word “toxicity” appears here only once.

These words became a hot topic after they were spoken by Paul Marrick, a famous American doctor. But as he claims, shouldn’t we get the vaccine? Does the potential for error in mRNA vaccines actually harm our bodies? In what sense is Paul Marrick accepted in American society?

▶For more detailed information, copy the article link and paste it into the address bar.

“Possibility of toxicity of coronavirus vaccine”: American doctor shocked the world

🏃🏻Shocking Side Effects of Coronavirus Vaccine – For more details, copy the article link and paste it into the address bar.

Jeongbong Lee (

#Corona #vaccine #touched #spinal #cord.. #million #people #surveyed #shocking #side #effects