
US government welcomes review of Japan’s ‘National Security Strategy’… “Modernizing the US-Japan alliance, a historic measure”

The White House, State Department, and Defense Department issued a statement welcoming Japan’s plan to strengthen defense capabilities by revising the National Security Strategy document. He said it was a historic step to strengthen and modernize the alliance between the USA and Japan. Reporter Jo Sang-jin reports.

The White House said on the 16th that “Japan’s adoption of a new national security strategy, national defense strategy and defense capability realignment plan is a bold and historic step to strengthen and protect the free and open Indo-Pacific.”

[백악관 성명] “Today, Japan has taken a bold and historic step to strengthen and protect the free and open Indo-Pacific with the adoption of its new National Security Strategy, National Defense Strategy and Defense Building Program. The strategy sets out the vision of Prime Minister Kishida and the Japanese people for a broad and strong community of partners and allies to support peace and stability in the region. Japan’s goal to significantly increase defense investments will also strengthen and modernize the US-Japan Alliance.”

White House National Security Adviser Jake Sullivan said in a statement on the decision to revise Japan’s National Security Strategy document, which includes counter-attack capabilities and increased defense spending, saying, “This strategy supports partners and broad and strong supporters of peace and stability in We present the vision of Prime Minister Kishida and the Japanese people for a community of allies.”

“Japan’s goal of significantly increasing defense spending will strengthen and modernize the US-Japan alliance,” he said.

Councilor Sullivan also said that Japan’s new strategy will strengthen Prime Minister Kishida’s deep commitment to international peace and nuclear non-proliferation, and through this, he will become a non-permanent member of the United Nations Security Council next year and will host the G7 summit It was evaluated that it would provide a foothold for Japan to show its leadership.

[백악관 성명] “The new strategy reinforces Prime Minister Kishida’s deep commitment to international peace and nuclear non-proliferation and sets the stage for Japan’s leadership in 2023, as Japan takes a seat on the UN Security Council and hosts the G7. We are grateful for the leadership of Prime Minister Kishida and Japan around the world, including their support for Ukraine as Russia wages its brutal war. We congratulate Prime Minister Kishida and the Japanese people on their historic new National Security Strategy which will help us and our partners achieve lasting peace, stability and prosperity.”

He then thanked Prime Minister Kishida and Japan for their global leadership, including their support for Ukraine amid Russia’s brutal war.

“I congratulate Prime Minister Kishida and the Japanese people on this historic new national security strategy that will help us and our partners achieve lasting peace, stability and prosperity,” he said.

US Secretary of State Tony Blincoln.

Secretary of State Tony Blincoln also expressed his welcome in a statement that day and emphasized, “As President Joe Biden said in our national security strategy, our alliances and partnerships are our most important strategic assets.”

[국무부 성명] “The United States of America and the United States Department of State welcome Japan’s new National Security Strategy, National Defense Strategy, and Defense Buildup Program, announced on December 16. As President Biden laid out in our own National Security Strategy , our alliances and partnerships are our most important strategic asset, and Japan’s new documents reshape our Alliance’s ability to promote peace and protect the rules-based order in the Indo-Pacific region and around the world . We applaud Japan’s commitment to modernizing our Alliance through increased investment in enhanced roles, missions and capabilities and closer defense cooperation with the United States and other Allies and partners, as outlined in these new documents.”

“Japan’s new document reshapes our alliance’s ability to promote peace and protect a rules-based order in the Indo-Pacific region and around the world,” he said.

“We applaud Japan’s commitment to modernizing the alliance through increased investment in enhanced roles, missions and capabilities, and close defense cooperation with the United States and other allies and partners, as outlined in these new documents,” he said.

In particular, he stressed that “Japan’s strategy converges with ours, recognizing that close ties between like-minded countries are crucial to safeguarding common interests and values ​​and solving common challenges.”

[국무부 성명] “Japan’s strategy converges with ours to recognize that closer ties between like-minded nations are critical to safeguarding shared interests and values ​​and addressing shared challenges. We welcome the importance that Japan places on coordinating with a wider range of partners in the Indo-Pacific and around the world. From Afghanistan to Ukraine, Japan is our indispensable partner in addressing the most pressing challenges to global stability and in supporting all nations that cherish a rules-based international order. Congratulations to Japan on this new fundamental step to modernize our Alliance and enhance our collective ability to address global challenges.”

He added that Japan is an important partner in addressing the most pressing challenges to global stability and supporting countries that advocate a rules-based order. Congratulations,” he repeated.

US Secretary of Defense Lloyd Austin.

US Secretary of Defense Lloyd Austin.

The US Department of Defense also issued a statement in the name of Secretary Lloyd Austin on the same day and welcomed the revision of the National Security Strategy document, which reflects Japan’s firm commitment to defend the international rules-based order and Indo open and free. -Pacific Ocean.

[국방부 성명] “We welcome the release of Japan’s updated strategy documents – the National Security Strategy, the National Defense Strategy, and the Defense Buildup Program – which reflect Japan’s steadfast commitment to maintaining the rules-based international order and Indo -Open and free Pacific. There is an important alignment between Japan’s newly released National Defense Strategy and the vision and priorities outlined in the US National Defense Strategy, both of which underpin ongoing bilateral efforts to modernize the Alliance, advance integrated deterrence, and address evolving regional and global security challenges through cooperation. with like-minded allies and partners.”

“There are important commonalities between Japan’s newly announced defense strategy and the vision and priorities outlined in the US defense strategy,” Secretary Austin said in a statement. He supports ongoing bilateral efforts to modernize the alliance. , strengthen integrated deterrence, and address evolving regional and global security challenges.”

In particular, he expressed support for including counterattack capabilities against enemy attacks and an increase in defense spending in Japan’s new national security strategy.

[국방부 성명] “We support Japan’s decision to acquire new capabilities that strengthen regional deterrence, including counter-strike capabilities. We also applaud Japan’s decision to significantly increase its defense spending and reach two percent of GDP in 2027, and to improve the unity and interoperability of its Self-Defense Forces by creating a permanent joint operational headquarters. The Alliance remains a cornerstone of peace and prosperity in the Indo-Pacific, and the United States is committed to working with Japan to support the goals embodied in both countries’ strategies.”

Acquire new capabilities to strengthen regional deterrence, including counter-attack capabilities; significantly increase defense spending and reach 2% of gross domestic product (GDP) by 2027; support the Japanese government’s decision to improve

“The (US-Japan) alliance remains a cornerstone of peace and prosperity in the Indo-Pacific, and the United States is committed to working with Japan to support the goals set out in our bilateral strategy, ” he said.

Previously, through a temporary cabinet meeting held on the 16th, the Japanese government announced a plan to fundamentally strengthen its defense capabilities, including having counterattack capabilities to attack enemy missile bases and doubling the current level of defense spending over the next five years. review the anti-security document.

The revised security documents include the ‘National Security Strategy’, which includes basic guidelines in the field of diplomacy and security, the ‘National Defense Strategy’, which includes defense capabilities and the role of the Self-Defense Force, and’ Defense Force. Strengthening Plan’, which summarizes defense cost procurement policies.

This is VOA News Cho Sang-jin.