
US Vice Minister of Finance visits Kakao Bank and meets Yoon Ho-young, “Learn about the regulatory sandbox”

▲ Brian Nelson, the U.S. Department of the Treasury’s undersecretary for terrorism and financial information (right), visits Kakao Bank’s headquarters in Pangyo, Seongnam, Gyeonggi Province on the 28th and takes a commemorative photo with Yoon Ho-young, CEO of Kakao Bank.

[비즈니스포스트] Brian Nelson, the U.S. Department of the Treasury’s undersecretary for terrorism and financial information, made a surprise visit to Kakao Bank’s headquarters after visiting South Korea to discuss sanctions on North Korea.

According to the financial industry on the 29th, Vice Minister Nelson visited the Kakao Bank office building in Pangyo, Seongnam-si, Gyeonggi-do on the 28th and met with Kakao Bank CEO Yoon Ho-young, Naver Financial CEO Park Sang-jin, and Korea Fintech Support Center Chairman Byun Young-han.

Deputy Minister Nelson is said to have heard about Korea’s fintech industry and Kakao Bank’s overall business at this meeting.

Deputy Minister Nelson’s visit to Kakao Bank was not originally scheduled, and it is known that Deputy Minister Nelson directly contacted Kakao Bank and expressed his intention to visit.

“We met with fintech leaders from Kakao Bank, Naver, and Korea Fintech Support Center to learn about Korea’s innovative technology and regulatory sandbox system,” said Nelson on Twitter.

It is said that Deputy Minister Nelson showed a high interest in Korea’s fintech industry and Kakao Bank. Reporter Choi Young-chan