
Violent Hurricane-Like Storm Hits Bandung, Indonesia: 22 Injured and Extensive Damage Reported

Indonesia 22 February – A violent hurricane-like storm hit the Bandung area. In Indonesia’s West Java province yesterday, at least 22 people were reported injured and extensive damage was caused.

Many clips were recorded by people using smartphones. Reveals the intensity of the cyclone similar to a hurricane. that hit community areas and residential areas in Rangjakkek City, Bandung District, West Java Province Yesterday evening, local time. With wind speeds up to 70 kilometers per hour. Stronger than usual cyclones occur in Indonesia. This cyclone moves through different areas. from the Bandung District for more than 20 minutes, causing damage to a wide area. The roofs of many houses were blown off by the storm. Trees and weak buildings were tossed and tossed around by the storm. The villagers got scared and ran to hide in buildings. As well as the houses, there is a dormitory for the local police. Many supermarkets and shops were damaged. Many trees were knocked down or uprooted by the storm. At least 22 people were reported injured, most of them hit by objects blown down by the storm.

Local officials say Officers are being sent to the area to survey the damage. Clean various debris. those that were blown up and scattered on the road Along with warning the people of the area to be more careful during the rainy season. Because there might be a thunderstorm. and strong hurricane-like storms at any time .-Thai News Agency

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