
Vision Pro: Leading the Transition to Space Computing Era in Consumer Electronics

According to Securities Times, a Donghai Securities research report noted that the release of Vision Pro has established the hardware benchmark for the MR industry and is expected to promote the transition of consumer electronics from the mobile computing era to the space computing era. In the future, as hardware costs continue to fall, MR equipment is expected to gradually evolve from the current niche niche products to mass consumer electronics products. The shipment volume and penetration rate are expected to increase significantly, which will promote the continuous enrichment and improvement of the MR application software ecosystem.Promote consumer electronics from mobile computing to the space computing era, and drive the industry chain upstream semiconductors to flourish. It is recommended to pay attention to thematic investment opportunities in the Vision Pro industry chain, especially related targets in the fields of computer chips, display panels, optical / spatial sensors, and testing and assembly of consumer electronics parts.

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