
Voice Actor Furuya Toru, Cheats on Spouse and Impregnates Daughter’s Lover: Surprising Revelations

Furuya Toru, 70 years outdated, voice actor in Conan – Gundam, cheated on his spouse and made his daughter’s lover pregnant. Utilizing violence to drive an abortion

If anybody follows the anime trade in Japan you most likely know that the occupation ‘voice actor’ It’s as influential as celebrities and artists, and it is usually probably the greatest dream jobs for younger Japanese individuals.

Lately, there was surprising information within the voice actor trade when Furuya Toru, 70 years outdated There are numerous well-known anime voice actors like Amuro Ray in Gundam, Yamcha in Dragon Ball, Tuxedo Masks. in Sailor Moon, Sabo in One Piece, and Toru Amuro in Conan.

It was revealed by the media that it wasDishonest on his spouse to discover a youthful fan. That they had such a deep relationship that the opposite individual turned pregnant. and utilizing violence to drive ladies to acquire abortions

Furuya Toru later confessed and made an announcement by way of his personal social media, admitting the entire affair. He has cheated on his spouse. Exit and hang around with a girl who’s a fan. who’s youthful than 37 years of age

Throughout their 4 12 months relationship, he used bodily and psychological violence towards her. Together with when the girl was pregnant. He pressured her to have an abortion.

He apologized to the girl for hurting her bodily and mentally. Together with apologizing to the followers who had been dissatisfied. and betraying belief On the similar time, it additionally tarnishes the character he referred to as.

Furthermore, he confirmed that he’ll spend the remainder of his life admitting his errors. and able to settle for all punishment

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