
War against Ukraine: This is the situation

The criticism of the Pope’s statement about the “white flag” continues. Kiev summons the Vatican ambassador. The developments at a glance:

The criticism of Pope Francis’ statements about a possible capitulation of Ukraine in the war against Russia continues. Now Chancellor Olaf Scholz also spoke out and contradicted the church leader’s statements. In Kiev, the representative of the Holy See was summoned to the Foreign Ministry as a sign of protest.

Ukraine summons Pope ambassador

Visvaldas Kulbokas – the apostolic nuncio who represents the Vatican in Ukraine – has been informed that the country attacked by Russia is “disappointed” by Francis’ statements, the Foreign Ministry said in Kiev. The papal appeal should be “to the attacker and not go to the victim,” criticized the Ukrainian side.

Francis had said in an interview about the Russian war of aggression in Ukraine, which has now been going on for more than two years: “When you see that you are defeated, that things are not going well, you have to have the courage to negotiate.” Francis was also asked about calls for “the courage to surrender, to raise the white flag.” To which he replied: “It’s a question of perspective. But I think that the one who recognizes the situation, who thinks about the people, who has the courage of the white flag to negotiate is stronger.” Vatican spokesman Matteo Bruni later contradicted reports that the pope had called on Ukraine to surrender.

Scholz “disagrees” with the Pope’s statement

Chancellor Scholz (SPD) also showed his lack of understanding. “Ukraine has the right to defend itself and Ukraine can rely on us to support it in this,” the Chancellor replied to a question about the Pope’s statement at a press conference with Malaysian Prime Minister Anwar Ibrahim in Berlin. “So of course I don’t agree with the position quoted.” Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelenskyj had previously also been very critical of the Pope’s words.

Zelenskyj: Situation at the front is better than three months ago

Meanwhile, Zelenskyj appeared more confident again despite the recent defeats on the front. “The situation is much better than in the last three months,” he told French broadcaster BFMTV. The Russian advance has been stopped and the opposing army is currently losing a large number of soldiers. In his evening video address, Zelensky also emphasized that the Ukrainian troops are currently stabilizing their positions on the front. In addition, fortifications would be expanded and rebuilt.

The head of state also admitted that his army had had difficulties “due to the lack of artillery ammunition, the air blockade, Russian long-range weapons and the high density of Russian drones.” He also warned of new difficulties if Ukraine does not receive sufficient military support.

In mid-February, the Ukrainian army had to withdraw from the completely destroyed city of Avdiivka in the eastern Donetsk region. Since then, heavy fighting has continued in the region. At the same time, the country attacked by Russia repeatedly asks for more military support – including Taurus cruise missiles from Germany.

Scholz reiterates no to Taurus: “My clarity is there”

However, Scholz once again clearly rejected a Taurus delivery. “My clarity is there. That is my job as Chancellor, as head of government, to express myself precisely and not to raise any misleading expectations. My answers are correspondingly clear,” said the Chancellor at a press conference in Berlin when asked whether he would do so Foreign Minister Annalena Baerbock (Greens) sees a ring exchange with Great Britain as an option instead of a direct delivery. He does not consider the use of the Taurus system to be justifiable, which is why this question is “neither direct nor indirect,” emphasized Scholz.

Putin changes deputy defense minister

In Russia, President Vladimir Putin has once again replaced one of his country’s deputy defense ministers after more than two years of aggressive war. The Ministry of Defense in Moscow announced that Lieutenant General Andrej Bulyga will be responsible for material and technical supplies for the army in the future. Bulyga, who was previously deputy commander of the Western Military District, succeeds Colonel General Alexei Kuzmenkov, who took over the post less than a year ago. The ministry did not give a reason for the new change. Russia’s Defense Minister Sergei Shoigu has a total of twelve deputies.

What is important today

US President Joe Biden will receive Poland’s President Andrzej Duda and Polish Prime Minister Donald Tusk at the White House in Washington this Tuesday. In addition to preparing for the NATO anniversary summit in July in Washington, the talks will also revolve around support for Poland’s neighboring country Ukraine.