
“We prayed for peace, security and living together” (Ms. Tsègan) – LA PREMIERE AGENCY DE PRESSE PRIVEE AU TOGO

Mme Chantal Yawa Djigbodi Tsègan

An official delegation led by the President of the National Assembly Mrs. Chantal Yawa Djigbodi Tsègan took part this Sunday at the parish of Notre-Dame de la Rédemption de Bè-Klikamé in Lomé, in a mass of thanksgiving as a prelude to the celebration on April 27, of the 63rd anniversary of the independence of Togo.

Ms. Tsègan had some ministers at her side, including the Minister of Territorial Administration Payadowa Boukpessi. Traditional chiefs were also present.

“We prayed for peace, security and living together in our country, implored God’s protection on His Excellency Faure Gnassingbé, President of the Republic, and entrusted to the Lord the entire Togolese nation as well as the activities included in the program for the celebration of April 27, ”tweeted the President of the National Assembly.

Family photo, at the end of the mass

“We are proud of the tangible progress made by our country and are determined to work for an even brighter future for all Togolese. May God bless Togo and all its children,” added Ms. Tsègan.

Still, during the day on Sunday, other ministers attended a Protestant service at the temple of Afégamé.

Already last Friday, Muslim prayers were organized at the great mosque of Lomé and in the central mosques of the various communes of the country. FIN

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