
We will come back stronger with the support of all the fans: Neymar

Doha: Superstar Neymar said he was mentally broken after Brazil lost to Croatia in the quarter-finals of the Qatar World Cup. Neymar wrote on social media that there has never been such a painful setback in his career and we will come back stronger with the support of all the fans.

‘I decided to reveal the messages (without their permission) to show how successful we are and how united we are. We are very sad but we must be stronger to move forward. I’m sure we’ll come back stronger with the support of all the fans.”

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“I am Brazilian with a lot of pride and a lot of love. We fought until the end. I am proud of the team members as there was no shortage of commitment and dedication. Brazil deserved it. But it may not be God’s decision. “Thank you to everyone who has supported the Brazilian team,” said Neymar.