
Weather | Cloudy and rainy for several days, today clearing Victoria Harbor and blue skies reappearing with heart shaped clouds drifting past, sunny and hot tomorrow

Weather | Cloudy and rainy for several days, today clearing Victoria Harbor and blue skies reappearing with heart shaped clouds drifting past, sunny and hot tomorrow

Since the beginning of last week, the area of ​​thunderstorms associated with the trough of low pressure has affected Hong Kong, there have been showers for several days in a row, the showers decreased in the later period and improved the weather gradually. Today (27th) the weather is hot. At midday, the Observatory recorded a temperature of 31 degrees Celsius and a relative humidity of 72%. Super typhoon Mawar is expected to move to the seas east of Luzon. sky once drifting across the heart-shaped cloud.

The Observatory noted that a higher altitude anticyclone is bringing generally nice and hot weather to the south coast of China. In the afternoon, the temperature in most parts of Hong Kong will rise to around 32 degrees. Hong Kong tonight and tomorrow

The weather is generally fine, with a minimum temperature of around 27 degrees tomorrow and a maximum temperature of around 32 degrees in the urban area, with a light to light wind from the east; the next few days will be very hot during the day, and there will be a few showers in the middle of next week. The Observatory reminds that hot weather can affect health, and citizens should remain vigilant and drink plenty of water.

Meaning: 天氣預報

weather forecast