
Wegobi: A Groundbreaking Obesity Treatment that Reduces Cardiovascular Disease Risk by 20% – Research Results

Groundbreaking Study Shows Novo Nordisk’s Obesity Treatment Reduces Cardiovascular Risk

A recent study published in the ‘New England Journal of Medicine’ has revealed that Novo Nordisk’s obesity treatment drug, Wegobi, can reduce the risk of death from heart attack and stroke by 20%. The study followed 17,604 adults aged 45 or over for two years, with half of them receiving weekly injections of semaglutide, the main ingredient in Wegobi, and the other half receiving a placebo.

The results showed that among those receiving semaglutide, there were significantly fewer non-fatal heart attacks, strokes, hospitalizations, and deaths from cardiovascular causes compared to those who received the placebo. This groundbreaking study marks a turning point in the treatment of obesity, demonstrating that it can not only improve weight loss but also save lives and reduce hospitalizations and deaths from cardiovascular disease.

The Mechanism Behind the Results

One question that remains is how semaglutide helps reduce cardiovascular risk. While it was initially thought that the weight loss associated with semaglutide was responsible for the improved health outcomes, some experts believe that the ‘glucagon-like peptide-1 (GLP-1) receptor’ on which semaglutide acts may play a crucial role in cardiovascular health. This receptor is present at low levels in heart tissue and blood vessels, suggesting that semaglutide may act on the cardiovascular system through this receptor to improve cardiovascular health.

These findings have significant implications for the treatment of obesity and related cardiovascular diseases, offering hope for improved outcomes and a better quality of life for patients. As further research is conducted, the potential of obesity treatment to address broader health issues continues to expand, opening new opportunities for improved patient care and outcomes.

Research results have shown that Novo Nordisk’s obesity treatment drug ‘Wegobi’ reduces the risk of cardiovascular diseases such as heart attack and stroke by 20%. / Provided by Novo Nordisk

A study showed that Novo Nordisk obesity treatment Wegobi reduces the risk of death from heart attack and stroke. Obesity treatment is reaching a new turning point as research results show that obesity treatment is effective in other diseases as well.

Novo Nordisk said that weekly injections of semaglutide, the main ingredient in WeGobee, for an average of 33 months can reduce the risk of death from heart attack or stroke by 20%. The results of the research were published in the ‘New England Journal of Medicine.’

Novo Nordisk followed 17,604 adults aged 45 or over for two years. Half of them received semaglutide once a week for 33 weeks, and the other half received a placebo. More than three-quarters of the study participants had ever had a heart attack, and a quarter had chronic heart failure.

The study found that among people receiving semaglutide once a week, 234 had a non-fatal heart attack and 154 had a stroke. On the other hand, 322 people who received placebo drugs had a heart attack and 165 people had a stroke. Of those who received semaglutide, 97 were hospitalized or visited the emergency room for heart failure, compared with 122 who received placebo. There were 223 patients taking semaglutide and 262 patients taking placebo who died of cardiovascular causes. The research team said, “This is a groundbreaking study that shows obesity treatment can save lives and reduce hospitalizations and deaths from cardiovascular disease.”

However, it is not yet clear how semaglutide helps reduce cardiovascular risk. Until now, semaglutide was thought to have led to better health due to weight loss. In a recent trial, people who received semaglutide lost an average of 9.4% of their body weight compared to people who received a placebo.

Some experts believe that the ‘glucagon-like peptide-1 (GLP-1) receptor’ on which semaglutide acts is present at low levels in heart tissue and blood vessels. Semaglutide acts on the cardiovascular system through this receptor and helps cardiovascular health.

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