
Weird Incident: Man Arrested for Drunk Driving After Falling Asleep with Soup in Entrance of Police Officers

A buyer (far left) sleeping with soup in entrance of him and cops consuming after working in the course of the night time. /Police Company YouTube

It was mentioned {that a} police officer who was consuming at a soup restaurant after working in a single day unintentionally arrested a drunk driver. At the moment, police seen that the client, who had dozed off with soup in entrance of him, received behind the wheel after leaving the restaurant, then crossed the middle line and drove whereas intoxicated.

Based on Uijeongbu Police Station in Gyeonggi Province, on the twenty fourth, police arrested Mr. A, a person in his 40s, on suspicion of drunk driving on the morning of the twenty eighth of final month.

The rationale Mr. A was arrested was when cops who had completed their night time shift have been consuming at a soup restaurant once they noticed a buyer who seemed to be drunk driving the automobile.

Watching the CCTV footage contained in the restaurant documenting the state of affairs on the time, Mr A continued to sleep with the soup in entrance of him, not even realizing the meal had been served. The cops continued to eat whereas observing the scene from the desk subsequent to them. Mr. A dozed off for some time, then instantly he awakened and began consuming.

Subsequently, after paying, Mr. A received into the automobile parked in entrance of the restaurant and took the wheel. The police, who suspected that Mr. A was drunk within the restaurant, instantly began chasing the automobile. When Mr A was seen driving dangerously, crossing the middle line, the police have been thereafter satisfied that he had been consuming.

Finally, the police stopped the automobile, confirmed that Mr. A smelled of alcohol, and requested a patrol automobile. One other police officer who arrived shortly after took a breathalyzer check and located that Mr. A’s blood alcohol degree was on the degree of a license suspension. It turned out that Mr A had been consuming alcohol along with his acquaintances till 4am that day and had pushed about 32km to Uijeongbu. Later, whereas he was consuming a hangover at a soup restaurant in Uijeongbu, he was noticed by the police in the identical restaurant.

A police officer on the scene mentioned in a media interview: “I believed it was unusual that he was dozing on the time, and once I noticed him crossing the middle line, I suspected that he was drunk driving, so l ‘I adopted. “I managed to catch it and I am joyful I did not should go far,” he mentioned.

It’s identified that Mr A promptly admitted to drink driving and the police handed him over to the prosecutor’s workplace on a cost of drink driving.

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