
Welcome to Dragon’s Dogma: A Sneak Peek at Capcom’s New Open-World Action RPG

A new trailer for Capcom’s new open-world action RPG has been released, a week ahead of its release. The title is “Welcome to Dragon’s Dogma” and is a video that introduces the story and progression of the game. British actor Ian McShane, familiar with Winston’s role in the series, provided narration.

The video lasts approximately 8 minutes, <드래곤즈 도그마 2>It begins with an explanation of the worldview. The dragon, who reigned as a being of fear, selects the appropriate warriors for each age and steals their hearts, creating beings called “awakeners”. Players who awaken are stripped of their humanity and must take up arms to defeat the dragon.

Helping the player on his journey is an AI companion called “Pawn”. The phone is <드래곤즈 도그마> He is a symbol of the series and not only participates in battles, but also sometimes acts as an advisor and helps the player.

Each phone has a personality and its actions and words are different.

The most amazing part is the battle scene. In particular, group battles using various techniques such as swordsmanship, archery and magic have been implemented with natural movement.

Movement occurs fluidly, such as running forward, sliding and shooting an arrow in the opposite direction from a kneeling position, or falling into panic after being pushed by an enemy during a cliff battle. A scene in which a giant climbs on top of him and throws away the enemies who attack him also captures attention.

In addition to the main objective, the dragon, you will have to face several monsters. In addition to the Brass Giant, which was previously revealed through a gameplay trailer, various monsters such as Medusa, Dullahan, Chimera, and Griffin were revealed.

Additionally, the trailer includes a language system that makes it impossible to communicate without speaking the language, a gondola that crosses the desert, etc. <드래곤즈 도그마 2> It contains various interactive elements within it. The production team explained that they wanted to create a “living world” through various interactive elements. <드래곤즈 도그마 2>the release is scheduled for March 22nd.

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