
When you have Corona, you should be more careful with the flu… If you get both, the death rate is 2.4 times.

A study found that hospitalized patients with both COVID-19 and the flu had a 2.4 times higher mortality rate than patients with only COVID-19. In the photo, medical staff at Seoul Medical Center move a patient with COVID-19 to a ward. [매경DB]

A study found that if you get COVID-19 and the flu at the same time, the death rate is 2.4 times higher than if you only got Corona. The research team suggested that more frequent flu tests should be conducted for inpatients with coronavirus, The Guardian reported on the 27th (local time).
A British and Dutch joint research team surveyed 305,000 hospitalized patients. 6,965 people were infected with COVID-19, of which 227 were also infected with influenza (flu). The researchers found that people infected with both viruses were more likely to get severe. The probability of dying from COVID-19 was 2.4 times higher, and the probability of receiving ventilator treatment was more than four times higher.
Kenneth Bailey, a professor at the University of Edinburgh, said: “The combination of COVID-19 and the flu virus was particularly dangerous.
The University of Edinburgh, the University of Liverpool, Imperial College London and Leiden University in the Netherlands participated in this study together. The results were published in the medical journal ‘The Lancet’ on the 25th.

In the UK, the average number of confirmed cases fell to 28,400 on the 7th of last month, but the number of confirmed cases rose to 85,300 as the stealth omicron (BA2), which became more contagious this month, became popular. The UK Statistical Office also announced that 1 in 16 UK citizens (3.5 million) may have contracted COVID-19 between March 13 and 19.
In the UK, the second Corona 19 booster shot started on the 21st for people with low immunity, such as the elderly 75 years old or older and residents of nursing homes.
[이유진 기자]

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