
Who is Alper Gezeravcı? Did Alper Gezeravcı go to space? How old is space traveler Alper Gezeravcı, where is he from and where will he go to space?

Astronaut Gezeravcı will go to the International Space Station with 3 astronauts. The journey to the space station will be made with SpaceX’s Crew Dragon capsule. The spacecraft where Astronaut Gezeravcı will be aboard will include Crew Commander Michael Lopez-Alegria, representing the USA and Spain, and Pilot Walter Villadei from the Italian Air Force. So, who is Alper Gezeravcı? Did Alper Gezeravcı go to space? How old is space traveler Alper Gezeravcı, where is he from and where will he go to space?