
“Why you won’t lose weight”… 4 bad exercise habits

Even if you exercise regularly, you may experience problems with your exercise routine. [사진= 게티이미지뱅크]

I walked, ran, and exercised hard every day, but there were times when the exercise had no effect. If so, you should check your exercise habits first. This is because even if you exercise regularly, there may be problems with the exercise habit itself. Here are 5 bad exercise habits that are often overlooked.

◆ Exercise slowly for a long time at a low intensity

Due to weak physical strength, the intensity of exercise is also reduced, and there are cases where exercise is performed slowly for a long time. For example, if you exercise for 1 to 2 hours, but avoid vigorous exercise and walk slowly like a walk. However, this is an ineffective exercise strategy in terms of exercise effectiveness. It is important to make the most of your time. Exercising at a high intensity for 30 minutes without a break is much more effective than an hour’s rest.

◆ I look at my smartphone while exercising, thinking about something else

[사진= 게티이미지뱅크]

Even if you go to the gym and exercise, there are cases where you don’t exercise because you think differently. A great example of this is the smartphone. My whole mind is focused on my smartphone, so I can’t focus on exercise and I’m still playing with my phone. Focusing on your posture and exercise during aerobic exercise as well as muscle exercise improves the exercise effect.

◆ Repeat the same type of exercise over and over again

I practiced hard every day, but I sometimes feel that the effect of the practice diminishes as time goes on. This is because if you repeat the same exercise over and over, your body will adapt to the exercise and the exercise will become easier. This means that your body will get used to the exercise so that you don’t have to burn a lot of energy. Another problem is that if you keep doing the same exercise, you get bored and lose interest, and the pleasure of exercise decreases. You need to tone and stimulate your body by trying new exercises.

◆ Do only aerobic exercise and neglect strength training

[사진= 게티이미지뱅크]

Because aerobic exercise burns a lot of calories, many people must do aerobic exercise even for dieting. However, it is more effective to lose weight by correctly combining aerobic exercise and strength training rather than doing only aerobic exercise and not doing strength training. Strength training is also effective in burning calories. Building muscle allows you to burn calories to maintain muscle even when you are not exercising.