
With a piece of bamboo from China, he cuts a woman’s throat – Togotimes

With a piece of bamboo from China, a young man, under the influence of alcohol, killed a lady by slitting her throat with a bamboo from China. The scene angered residents.

The facts took place on the night of May 11 to 12, 2023, in Bingerville, more precisely in the village of Elokaté. There, Dame Essie Mousso Mariette tragically lost her life in an argument with Gbedjro Jean-Philippe, a native of the said village. The young man, according to the first information, went to the victim’s home around 3 a.m. on May 12, 2023. Once there, he accused Dame Essie Mariette of having taken money from him. ‘money. Something that the 33-year-old victim does not recognize. Then follows an altercation between the two.

Considering this spat as a humiliation, the presumed culprit under the influence of alcohol and animated by anger uses a Chinese bamboo to slit the throat of his victim.

Alerted, the police went to the scene for the report of use before opening an investigation to better understand the circumstances of this tragedy. As for the undertakers, they transferred the lifeless body of Dame Essie Mousso Mariette to the morgue of the general hospital in Bingerville.


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