
World Competitors for Semiconductor Hegemony Intensifies: South Korea Publicizes Main Funding

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Competitors for semiconductor hegemony is intensifying, with main semiconductor international locations such because the US and Japan investing in subsidies.

Our authorities additionally introduced that it will make investments 26 trillion gained within the semiconductor business.

That is reporter Park Yoon-soo.

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The inventory value of Nvidia, an American semiconductor firm that dominates the substitute intelligence and AI chip market, exceeded $1,000 for the primary time.

First quarter gross sales had been a whopping 35.6 trillion gained, a 262% improve from final yr.

SK Hynix, which provides high-bandwidth reminiscence, ‘HBM’ to Nvidia, additionally rose to 200,000 gained per share.

The competitors for semiconductor hegemony is changing into more and more fierce.

First, the federal government unveiled a plan to help the semiconductor business value 26 trillion gained, which is greater than initially anticipated.

[윤석열 대통령(제2차 경제이슈점검회의)]

″Semiconductors are the livelihood of the individuals, and all of the help for the semiconductor business is for the good thing about the individuals.″

The bottom line is to help home semiconductor clusters with large-scale loans.

The Korea Growth Financial institution determined to take a position and lend 17 trillion gained at low curiosity, and in addition improve the semiconductor ecosystem fund to 1.1 trillion gained.

As well as, greater than 2.5 trillion gained might be invested to construct infrastructure resembling roads and energy for the Yongin semiconductor cluster.

We determined to supply over 5 trillion gained in assist for analysis and improvement and human useful resource coaching, which is about 3 trillion gained during the last three years.

We additionally determined to increase the advantages of varied tax deductions which can expire this yr.

[최상목/부총리 겸 기획재정부 장관]

Korea’s help program for the semiconductor subject is significantly better than some other nation and is worthy of incentives.”

In response to the criticism of “tax cuts for big companies,” he stated, “SMEs will profit from greater than 70% of the semiconductor business’s help applications.”

That is Park Yoon-soo from MBC Information.

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