
[World Now_영상] 12 tanks drowning in mud… Russia catches Ukrainian thaw

About 10 tanks are stuck in the mud and can’t move.

People use excavators to dig up the mud and try to get the tank out.

Dozens of Russian tanks have been seen suffering in the mud during military training near the Ukrainian border.

Liveuamap, an independent media that shows military trends in Ukraine and Russia, released a related video on Twitter on the 11th.

The video, believed to have been filmed near the city of Rostov on the Ukrainian border in southern Russia, shows 12 tanks during military training drowning in deep mud.

In Ukraine, ‘Rasputitsa’ occurs every year during the thawing season, when the frozen black soil becomes muddy.

The US broadcaster CNN reported that January this year in Ukraine was warmer than usual and the ground was wetter and muddy due to high humidity.

Foreign media are pointing to the weather as one of the variables for Russia’s invasion of Ukraine.

When the weather is cold and the ground hardens, military equipment such as tanks can move easily, but when the ground melts and becomes muddy, it becomes difficult to move.

In particular, the northern part of Ukraine between Kiev and Belarus has a lot of wetlands, and when the frozen ground thaws in the spring, the rasputitsa phenomenon easily occurs, making it difficult for the thaw-period armored forces to advance.

Napoleon, who was on an expedition to Russia in the past, and the German army that invaded the Soviet Union during World War II also had a hard time breaking through this area, which ultimately contributed to the defeat.

According to the Defense Blog, an American online military media outlet, the tank in the mud is the ‘T-72B3’, which is the latest improvement of the T-72, the main battle tank of the Russian Army.

It is a modernized model with a new fire control system installed on the existing T-72B and replacement of the old engine.

Armor plates were installed on both sides of the front of the aircraft, and wire cage armor was installed on the rear to counter the threat of rocket-propelled missiles.

It also had a powerful engine with more than 1,130 horsepower and an improved weapon system, as well as a television rearview camera and a new aiming digital display system.

The defense blog analyzed that this was an improvement that took into account the battle experiences in Ukraine, Georgia and Syria in the past.

(Video source: Twitter ‘Liveuamap’)


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