
Worldwide Prison Courtroom Prosecutor Requests Arrest Warrants for Leaders of Israel and Hamas


The chief prosecutor of the Worldwide Prison Courtroom has requested arrest warrants for the leaders of Israel and Hamas. Each had been mentioned to have dedicated conflict crimes by attacking civilians, however the US protested, asking the way it may deal with a terrorist group and a professional authorities the identical means.

That is Washington correspondent Kim Pil-gyu.


Worldwide Prison Courtroom (ICC) Chief Prosecutor Karim Khan requested arrest warrants for 3 leaders, together with Yahya Shinwar, of the armed Palestinian political faction Hamas.

They’re accused of killing a whole bunch of Israeli civilians and taking greater than 245 hostages in a shock assault final October.

They had been additionally held liable for the crimes in opposition to humanity of rape and torture.

On the similar time, Israeli Prime Minister Netanyahu and Protection Minister Gallant had been additionally topic to arrest.

They are saying they’ve dedicated conflict crimes by attacking civilians within the Gaza Strip and blocking provides crucial for survival.

[카림 칸/국제형사재판소 검사장 : (가지지구의) 수많은 여성, 어린이를 포함한 민간인에게 의도적으로 사망이나 기아, 부상 등의 고통을 주는 것은 군사·정치적 목표를 이루려는 범죄 수단입니다.]

Then, Hamas and Israel strongly opposed the ICC resolution.

Everybody claims they’re simply victims.

The US publicly criticized Prosecutor Khan’s ruling, saying it was fallacious to deal with Israel and Hamas equally.

[매슈 밀러/미국 국무부 대변인 : 이스라엘과 하마스 간에는 아무 공통점이 없습니다. 하마스는 유대인에 대한 학살을 자행하고 미국인을 포함한 무고한 시민들을 여전히 인질로 붙잡고 있는 잔인한 테러조직입니다.]

Secretary of State Blinken additionally mentioned in a press release that he rejects this announcement, saying that the ICC doesn’t have the authority to take care of this matter.

The Worldwide Prison Courtroom was established primarily based on the Nuremberg Trials, which judged Nazi conflict crimes, together with the bloodbath of Jews.

Prosecutor Khan emphasised this background and mentioned that after a warrant is issued, he’ll do his greatest to arrest the targets.

[카림 칸/국제형사재판소 검사장 : ICC는 유대인 수용소와 가스실, 발칸 반도의 끔찍한 장면으로 인해 세워졌습니다. 국적을 불문하고 범죄가 일어났다면 절차를 진행해야 합니다. 누구도 법 위에 있지 않습니다.]

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